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As I watched my friends in P.E. class, I thought about Alex and the time we spent together; I loved him, I really did, but since before las year's summer break he started to act weird and as if he owned me, as if he could control my decisions.

"So, you gotta lot of homework today, Lyz?" I asked my best friend as we walked to the usual table in the usual patio.

"No, I almost have nothing. What about you, Ray?" she asked me with her usual smile, giving small jumps in her place.

"Clam down, girl. You're going to make a hole in the ground!" I put my hands in her shoulders to make her stop but they started shaking too, along with my friend.

"So, you have homework or not?"

"Nope. Wanna go to the park with us tonight? we're going to hang around, take some coffee and you know... see who's around" I elbowed her ribs as I said the last part. She blushed and giggled with me.

We walked to the table where our friends were, as usual, the table was crowd, and where usually three people sat, there were six. They were all laughing, maybe about something Andy or Louis said.

Stella waved towards Lyz and me, I put a finger on my mouth to tell her not to speak, she nodded and turned her attention to the grapes she had.

Lyz and I walked silently towards the table; neither Eugene nor Louis noticed us, they were talking about Eugene's hate for meat.

"Boo!" Lyz and I said as we jumped on our friends' backs. They scram like girls.

Everyone was laughing at their expressions but them, then, they started to laugh too.

I took out some strawberries and literally, everyone attacked my fruit.

"Hey!" I complained as I saw they only left one. Everyone had one red fruit, except for Illia.

I gave Illia the last grape and she smiled.

"So, we're going to the park today at four, right?" I asked my friends. They all nodded.

"Lyz, let's go to the lockers, I need to put this away" I told her pointing at my now empty bag.

As we walked to the lockers, I saw Alex standing from his table and going towards us, I pretended I haven't seen him yet.

I put my things in my locker and took my Math Book. It weighted like a lot. Seriously, couldn't they just give us tablets instead of old heavy paper books.

Lyz was getting her book in her own locker a few feet from where I was standing. "Lock" I said, and the little cabinet locked itself.

As I got my things on my school bag, I felt two hands on my waist. I turned ready to hit whoever dared to touch me but I saw who it was. Alex, my friend in which I had a crush on. He knew it and I knew he had a crush on me too.

"Hey" he said.

"Hi, you know I don't like it when you suddenly appear, Lex. I could kill you and you know that" I told him.

"I know, I'm sorry"

Lyz and I walked to our classroom so we left the things, Alex walked next to us talking about Physics and how incredible that class was.

I didn't really paid attention, I was just wondering about my favorite book series, though it is more than a hundred years old, I just love it. Obviously, I bought then in an online version. I love how the author made the reader want to go to this world and be part of this adventures; the author, my favorite author, died an October of 2066. Almost everyone knew about her and read the books, but I have already read then about seven times each and I still loved them as the first time.

"Rachel, are you listening?" Alex asked me.

"Sorry, what?" I asked confused.

"I asked if you could come with me to see Ms. Bane" he said.

"Can't, she's going with me to see Ms. Gabrielle" Lyz answered for me.

"No, she is coming with me" Alex said.

"She's not"

"She is"





"Stop!" I exclaimed, "Sorry Lex, I'm going with Lyz" I told him.

"You are mine, you are going with me" he said.

"She is my flagia, and you heard her, she wants to go with me, donaiolo" my friend said saying two words in Veneto instead of English.

Alex's head was almost spreading smoke, but I went with my little Elyzabeth friend.

"Earth calling Ray!" I heard someone.

I slowly started snapping out of my own thoughts, my mind was flying high in the clouds. Birds flying next to my imagination, singing songs no human could ever think of, with landscapes no painter could ever paint.

"Sorry" I apologized with Karly.

"You did it again, Scales" she told me using the nickname she gave me a couple months ago.

"You know I can't control it" I excused myself.

"I know, I can't control it either, nor can Lyzi or Stella" she remind me.

"Gotta go to class, Karls. See ya' in a couple hours" I told her rubbing her brown hair, she looked at me with those cat-like eyes and I felt a little shiver on my back.

"You did it again, KarlyCat" I told her.

"Don't call me KarlyCat!" she shouted and I left running to my class.

I ran into someone on my way to History class. My books fell with the other person's. I kneeled to take them, but a hand already had them, it was a long tanned hand.

"I'm sorry, I'm so stu- oh, it's you" I began saying.

"Yeah, it's me, there you go. Don't be late" he handed me my books and walked away.

"Alex wait!" I called him, "what the heck happened to you? ever since I said 'no' you've been like this, avoiding me and being a moron with me and my friends"

"I have nothing to say to you, we had problems and you wouldn't accept it. We couldn't be together anymore if we had problems"

"We weren't even together, Alex! You said yourself plenty of times we were just friends" I told him, his face darkened as I said that, "bye, Lex. Good luck"

I went to class and excused with the teacher for being late and started copying what was on the board.

"Why were you late, flagia?" Lyz asked me muttering

I formed the words "Tell you later" with my lips. She nodded.

I felt weird, my thoughts started to floated around my head and some memories grew stronger.

"Elyzabeth! you are doing it again!" I muttered-shouted

"Sorry! I was dying to know"

We let the class go and went to the other, and then to the other class. We were going to the park but-

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