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I stayed at Eliah's side as much as I could. I wouldn't separate myself from him not even to eat. I felt as if part of me was fading fast. My skin was growing pale and eye bags appeared from the nothing, though it has been only twelve hours since Eliah, Stella and Lyz fainted.
I called my mom a few hours ago, she told me to stay here as long as I could, 'cause soldiers were circling the house day and night. My mother's voice sounded sad, I could feel the sadness in her voice. I could tell she haven't slept in several days, her voice was tired. I tried to convince myself that if I wasn't around, she would be safer, but it wasn't true, my mom was a Trainer years ago, she returned home because other countries discovered how to make shields for her gift and, her stepfather was Mayor Sargent; also, my brother, Marcus, had been a very powerful Trainer, he could absorb others' gifts and use them against them but more powerful. When Naiyan discovered him, they tried to make him work for them, but when he refused, they killed him. His body returned in a mahogany box with a black smoking. I cried for days, not wanting to leave his room; but eventually, I did.
The soldiers were searching for Trainer recruits, they had spotted many families in Vancouver and Toronto, the only two States that kept their name. Now, they spotted potential Trainers here, in Boreas. Since my mom was a Trainer and my brother was one too, there was a high possibility of me being sorted as one.


I watched Eliah sleeping, he looked so peaceful... but I knew that the longer he sleeps, the less he'll remember, though Claudia already messed with his mind.
I laid back in the right side of the bed, half a feet away from him. I touched his cheek, it was soft; then, I touched his forehead, as I did this, his mind allowed me to enter, I tried to wake him up from the inside, but I couldn't and I saw something strange in his mind, it was way too perfect, the ideas weren't messed up like a normal mind would. It was ordered but there were also blank pieces, I tried to found what was supposed to be there, but his mind pushed me back until I had to exit.

"Please, wake up" I said making my words enter to his mind.

I saw the edges of his mouth moving, he slowly opened his eyes and scanned the room, his gaze met my eyes.

'Those eyes, they look familiar' he thought.

Slowly, I let my shields down so he could enter to my mind.

'Eliah, it's me, Rachel'

He looked shocked for a moment but I kept a relaxed mood and he slowly calmed down. I touched his hand and I felt a warm feeling within a little shock in my hand. His eyes softened and he grinned just a little.

"What happened? How can we do this?" he asked me with a worry that invaded me.
"Eliah, please don't freak out but I'm going to low down my shields so you can see what happened, okay?" I asked him and he nodded.

I don't lower my shields completely very often, since when I do, my mind invades the minds of the ones who are near me. Years ago I discovered that when I do this, the purple light that's always there when I use my gift disappears and instead, a dark purple smoke invades people's minds and I can make them do whatever my mind orders or make them see or feel what I want them to. Mom said that it is very dangerous to do this in public, and that if I wanted to use it, t would have to train hard. She also said that my smoke was like venom for others' minds, that I could harm someone with this. That's why, if the soldiers find about this, they'll use me as a weapon.
I was so centered in my own thoughts that I didn't controlled the smoke in Eliah's head. His eyes were blank and his lips were turning blue.

"Oh no. No, no, no,no" I said, trying to build my shields again but I couldn't, "Eliah, you need to build your shields, the strongest you have" I pleaded.

Slowly, I felt how his mind built a simple but effective shield. The way I let my gift be out of control took a lot of my energy. Always, using your gift more than you should before practicing will drain you.

"Ray" I heard Eliah's soft voice.
"I'm so sorry for that" I said.
"It's okay, but don't push yourself so hard, you will hurt yourself"

He toyed with my hair for a little while, until Claudia entered to the room. Her hair was messy and her face looked tired. I guess she tried to wake Stella.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2014 ⏰

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