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I could feel Stella's attempts to enter to Karly's mind, but my green eyed friend was fighting so Stella couldn't enter to her mind. I tried a quick view to her mind and saw that she didn't have her shields up but she was using her gift against Stella.

I was going to tell Stella to put her shields but she wouldn't be capable of using her gift with her shields up, I had to help her so I build up a diamond wall in my mind so not even Karly's strongest attempts could harm me.

"Karly!" I shouted and she turned her head towards me.

"Ray! help me, they are dangerous" Karly pleaded.

I looked at Karly, I concentrated on her eyes and I saw her hidden aura, it was a reddish color with yellow. The red represented fear and the yellow was that she was using her gift; yellow was her inner color.

"I know Karly, I've seen what they made too, you'll be okay" I reassured her and she slowly nodded, she was calming down and Stella was slowly repairing the damages in her head. I entered Karly's mind too; the yellow color was fading and I could see Stella's blue.

I entered even more into her mind and saw that her memories of her gift and ours were fading fast so I grabbed a strand of the memories and a light purple color illuminated them and they attached themselves with all the memories.

I got out of her mind and I saw that Karly was now asleep and Stella was sweating. I looked at the floor, it was covered with blood, then, a single blood drop fell and I saw it was my own blood; I made a huge effort to get so deep in her mind.

"Eliah" I whispered.

"I'm here" he said kneeling next to me

"Good" I said and I passed out.


"Ray, Ray. You gotta wake up" I heard a man say.

I started to open my eyes slowly. I felt as if every little noise was made by a large drum playing The Fly of the Bumblebee.

I was in the same bed I woke earlier, but this time I did remember what had happened. I searched in the room for Karly, she wasn't there; there was only one person apart from me, Eliah. He was sitting in the bed next to me, reading something in a tablet, but I felt his hand stroking softly my hair. It felt so good. I felt my heart skip a beat and then I felt my heart beating in my ears and my pulse got faster.

"Hey" I whispered.

"Hi" he said.

"You heard what I just thought?" I asked him.

"Yes, when you thought it the feeling embraced me too" he told me and I grinned.

"How many time was I asleep?" I asked him.

"Just a few hours" he didn't look happy at me, "you shouln't let yourself get that far. Stella said you could have get in a coma if you haven't stopped yourself"

"Are you mad at me?" I asked him

"Of course not. I was just worried"

"Why were you worried?" I was a little confused.

"Remember when I asked you if I was the first person you saw when you woke?" I nodded, "well, Claudia got you and Karly to remember a person when you see their face, but there were two failures, one, you wouldn't remember about your gifts or ours', two, you would create an empathy link with the first person you recognized"

"Why is number two a problem?" I asked him.

He explained me that if you created an empathy link with someone else he or she would feel what you feel and your lives will be in linked for all your life. Also, the link will make you hear the other person's thoughts and the other person your's.

"So, why didn't I heard your thoughts earlier?" I asked him.

'Because I had my shields up'

I heard his voice in my head.

'So it's true?' I thought and he nodded.

'We can also cut the link, actually, Lyz can, but it would be extremely hurtful and dangerous for both of us'

'Okay then, well, at least you want to cut it?'

'No! I mean, no, I won't like it to hurt'

After that, I built my shields so he wouldn't enter to my mind.

I saw that Eliah was wearing the sweatshirt I was wearing before; I looked beneath the blankets and saw that I was only wearing a grey sleeveless shirt and my panties were showing off.

"Umm... Eliah?"


"Could you lend me your sweatshirt?"

"What? Oh, yeah! sorry, I was cold and I asked Stella if I could took it off and she said there was no problem only if you weren't cold"

He took off the sweatshirt and my shields collapsed. I sat to put the sweatshirt on, careful not to uncover from my waist down. He touched my cheek and leaned forward; his forehead touched mine and my nose touched his, his breath and mine were mixed now and his other hand was placed on my waist, we both closed our eyes and our lips nearly touched, but he broke our contact and kissed my chin.

"I can't do anything more now" he told me and I nodded.

I stood up and walked out of the room, his sweatshirt smelled like him, maybe I wouldn't return it.

"I heard that!" he shouted and I laughed.

I walked to the living room and found Lyz doing something with Karly, Stella's mom was also there; Karly and Claudia had tears in their eyes. I walked towards Stella.

"What's happening?" I asked her.

"Lys is cutting their empathy link" she told me.

So, I made an empathy link with Eliah and Karly made one with Claudia.

"You want Lyz to cut yours with Eliah?" Stella asked me and I shook my head.

We heard footsteps on the staircase but we were focused on Karly and Claudia. I felt an arm around my shoulder and I saw Eliah standing next to me, shirtless again.

Thirty minutes passed and Lyz hadn't break their link, Stella explained it was a long work to do, during the 45th minute, Karly started to scream and Claudia was crying. I couldn't see that anymore.

I turned my back at Lyz, Karly and Claudia to face Eliah, I made my finger through his abs, marking every line; he didn't seem bothered, he seemed to enjoy it as much as I did. Later, his hands started to move through my hair, playing with it.

Moments later, Lyz's work was finished, she looked exhausted. The high pitched sound come again, I hugged Eliah, but he, Lyz and Stella collapsed.

"Elaih! Eliah wake up" I screamed but with no result.

I'd had to make sure I was the first one he saw when he wakes.

'I don't want to lose you' I thought.

'You won't' his voice said in my head.

My face brightened up with hope.

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