Lesson 1

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Hello fellow hoomans. I'm back lurking from the dead, and today I'm going to share a few lessons I've learned from english class. But how is that related? The topic is Plagiarism, or the cases of Plagiarism, and it's rules.

Recently, I came across an art book and discovered (through a friend) that the art they've posted is either traced, or stolen and did not credit the original artist. They say that they spend hours on the one piece, but it's basically obvious to be stolen. Now, I really dislike art thieves and scammers as much as some do. So I'll be sharing a few of my opinions on this case.

First, not knowing, or forgetting to credit the original owner is NOT excused. It's the responsibility of a person to provide their source. 
Second, No matter how much you alter another person's work, it's still considered as theft. Whether you rearrange, change or translate the words.

Let's dive into the art territory.

If you use bases, that's perfectly fine, as long as you credit and/or state your source. Though, I highly discourage bases, since it reduces a person's creativity. 

Okay, this one is just NOT GOOD. The only times when tracing is okay is when you only use them for anatomy practice, and claim that they aren't yours. Also maybe it's best to keep those traced art to yourself first.

This is all I have for now. Feel free to ask questions!

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