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"What you doing out here if the shows out there? Are you not enjoying the show?" The beautiful boy in front of me says.

"Oh no no I am. Well I have not got to see it since it started 5 minutes ago and then I bumped into you..." I blabbered and notice I was gonna say too much,"I needed to use to the restroom in other words" I chuckled and remembered as I said the word 'restroom' that I should go back to the mission before I pee myself infront of a gorgeous boy.

"I'm so sorry, please don't let me bother you, it was nice to meet you, lovely." He winks at me and walks away. I feel myself fill up with heat as I rush to the bathroom (but now more carefully).

After my business, I smile of the thought of him. But as well as the thought of seeing him before. I dried my hands after washing them and met up with my sister at the seats. I luckily got to at least hear a song from first act before the Vamps perform. I found the brunette one quite cute, if you ask me....not that anyone is asking....

The lights of the arena go down and everyone goes wild. The screen lights on stage write out THE VAMPS and all the band members pop out. I get a butterfly feeling in my stomach and I don't know why. I ignore the feeling and pay attention to where all the lights are setting themselves on.

First it was the drummer, a guitarist, ooh another guitarist, and what seemed to be the last one the lead singer. I focus for second the main singer and my eyes go wide. I AM SO STUPID. STUPID. STUPID.

Oh my God....oh my God....oh my God...I am the most stupidest person in the world. no wonder why he was smiling at me, it is not the fact he was intrested, but believed I was stupid. Oh my...

I looked at my sister and she looked at as if I were some crazy person.

'Are you okay?' She mouthed to me. I nodded and my attention to the boy who laughed at my brainless self.

I started feel my hands beginning to sweat as I paid so much attention to his body language and the way he was into the music. I listen to his voice. Soft but loud enough to hear, as I can hear his accent.

As I focus all my energy towards him, the crowd is almost quite. He moves his hand and runs it through his hair.
It gives me the chills.
How can a man be so beautiful?

I shake my head out these thoughts. I am just going crazy. This boy. Is just boy. And...and when I met him, it was just a coincidence. It means nothing.

I relax myself into the music and dance with my sister. She was singing along to every song they performed. When it was over, they yelled goodnight and threw their 'personal' items into the pit of the crowd. We leave before anyone in our lodge can get in front of us but hit the traffic of ages 8 and up screaming girls.

"So how did you like it?" I ask putting my arm around the back of her neck while moving 1 mile per hour.

"Like? I freakin' loved!" She screamed. "Connor was UGHH, James was AGHH, Tristan banging the drums had me weak at the knees, oh my and Brad...." She exclaims and I laugh at her explanation, but ignoring the fluttering in my stomach when she said his name.

"Well I'm glad you loved it. But guess what?" I whispered to her enough for only for her to hear and not the thousands of girls trying to get out the same way.


"I met Brad," I smiled hoping she would have a zealous reaction, but instead I got a funny look and laughter.
"What's so funny?" I ask.

"Well first off, how would you?" She says stopping to what seemed our car.

I look for the keys. I Respond, "When I went to use the restroom. I bumped into him and then we talked for a little."

"Okay, but why would he be going that way? You know they have their own rooms right? Did you even take a picture with him?" She questions getting into the car.

"Look, Jen I didn't even know it was him until he stepped on stage," I say starting the car and driving into the long line of cars to get out.

"So how do you know if it was him?" She says crossing her arms.

"Because he told me his name and I just did not click with the band ok? It wasn't until I was done peeing when I noticed he looked familiar," I explain.

"Ok but you've seen him all over my walls, why wouldn't you recognize him in the first place?" She questions next.

"Jen, I don't know. I may be good at memorizing educational things but peoples faces and names are not one of my many talents," I argue.

"I think your just lying to make me jealous," she rolls her eyes as I open my mouth in shock.

"It was all a joke. Just to make you jealous," I gritted through my teeth. I'm done trying to prove a point. "Can you at least just put the GPS to get home?" I handed her my phone and concentrate on the cars in front me.

"What's your password?" She asks like she's annoyed with me.

"Password? I don't have a password," I respond.

"Ok you can stop lying and just tell me it? I won't go snooping," she says.

"Jen, I swear I don't have a password," she hands me my phone and I click the lock on the phone to see a wallpaper that isn't the dog I have as mine. Well shit


Heyyy guysss






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