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"You wanna come to the concert?" Brad asks as he plays with my hand.

"I don't see why not," I smiled and so did he, making me smile bigger.

"Good, because I want you to meet the guys," he says.

"But I've already met the guys? Unless there's more?"

"No no, I mean like face to face," he said, "you kinda only just said hi to them, not really get to know them." I nodded my head understanding. I texted Emma I would be going to the concert and she texted telling she was out with the girls.

"I can't wait to see what you do before a show." I say looking at him.

He smiles. "Well now that your here, there might be some new traditions." He intertwines our hands together.

"Braddddddd, you are finally here. I misssssed youu" I hear a voice as we approach we see tris. And he turns red from embarrassment and I giggle.

"Oh Angie, I didn't know you were here," Tris says scratching his head, Brad start laughing. And I get chills. "Well it's nice to see you again," he nervous laughs.

"It's nice to see you again too," I giggle as Brad leads me to his dressing room. He closes the door and releases my hand as he slumps his body on to the sofa. I giggle and lift his feet up so I can sit down. He groans into the pillows.

"I didn't know I was that much of a pain," I giggle and he sits up and looks at me.

"The only pain I feel, is the resistance of kissing your beautiful lips,"he says looking my eyes then to my lips.

"Then why don't you?"

"Because I am a man with respect," he says looking forward.

"But you kissed me out there in there rain," I said getting closer to him.

"Yes yes, but we've only had one date," he said looking away from me. I get up and I sit on his lap, my face facing his.

"That's a shame because I leave tomorrow," I say bringing my lips closer to his yet to brush over them and then quickly getting off but I felt his hand on my arm and pull me on back to his lap.

"You're such a tease," he smiles making me smile. He brings his lips closer to mine and...to be interrupted by James.

"Oops sorry mate," he said covering his eyes.

"You can uncover your eyes, we didn't do anything," I giggle at Brads response.

"Oh," James says uncovering his eyes, "um rehearsal is in about 5 minutes." He leaves the room.

"Ugh, I guess I have to go," he says looking at me with a pouty face.

"Aww poor baby," I fake pouted to him and I laugh when he squinted at me.
He gives me a kiss on the lips and says, "I'll be back within an hour."

"Ok" I whispered. I got off his lap as he went to the door and winked at me before leaving. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

I looked around his dressing room to see a picture of his mom and sister. Right next to it is a picture of me that he had asked for and I guess he had printed it out. I smile at how cheesy this guy is and yet makes me like him even more.

The door had open and to see it was new hope club.

"Hello boys," I said with smile.

"Hi!" In which I believe was Reece said.

"Um sorry we heard you were here and didn't want you to be lonesome," George said.

"Lonesome?" Interesting use of vocabulary, "ok...do you guys have games?" And they smiled


"Bullshit ," I said to Blake who claimed to have placed 3 queens onto the deck. The boys showed me their games and they only had operation, playing cards, and monopoly...so we chose cards.

"What?! I thought you said you were okay at this game?" He responds frustrated.

"Yeah I am, but I didn't know you guys sucked," I giggle watching. Blake pick up the pile in the middle. "It's your turn Reece."

"Uh I don't know if I want to play anymore," he says putting his cards faced down.

"So you don't have King's?" I asked and he nods.

"C'mon, this game is never going to end," George complains.

"Yeah it is! I have one card left," I said. They all look at me. "One Ace..." I give them my strong poker face. They look at me and then at the card. For what felt like 10 minutes, someone spoke.

"Bullshit," Blake called.

"Is that your final answer?" He nods. "Check it." He lifts up the card to reveal a red Ace.

"How do you do it!" Reece exclaims.

"I learned to read liars," I say drinking some water.

"From who?" Blake asked.

"I had an uncle who was a judge and he taught me from the guilty and the nots," I say.

"Can you tell us how?" George asked.

"That's for another day," I winked at them as Brad comes in sweaty.

"Hey," I say to him, he smiles but then he sees the boys but then he stops. Not going to lie, him sweaty and flustered is super sexy.

"Hey," he smiles back at me, making me smile. "Um they want you out there." Bullshit. And I smile bigger.

"Okay cool, see you later Angie,"Blake says. I wave the boys bye and Brad closes the door once they've left.

"You're such a liar," I laughed.

"What?" He laughs.

"You just said they needed them," I said and he laughs not making eye contact. I get closer to him and he picks me up and places me on the sofa.

"How were you able to tell?" He asks, his body was super warm against mine.

"A magician never reveals her secrets," I smile and he brings his face close to mine and kisses them.

"So..." he says separating his lips from mine but yet still on top on me.

"So..." I mock him and he smiles making me smile.

"Would you...I don't know...like to be my girlfriend?" He says looking in my eyes.

"Mmm but Brad we have only been on one date," I say mocking him from earlier. He chuckles and I giggle. "But...yes Brad, I would love to." It smile made him smile so big.

"Now you're really mine," he says kissing me again.

Hoped you liked it :)

Accidentally Switched // B.S.Where stories live. Discover now