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A week later

I wake up to see I was on my desk asleep. I guess texting someone all night wasn't a good idea. I smile. But we had a good talk. I get up to get ready for what? I don't know...


I smile. I look back to the text messages between Angie and I. Angie was telling me about everything. I thought about calling her but I didn't want to seem too forward.

"Mate what's that on your face?" Connor jokes with me. I smile even more and wrestle him.

"Ooh Angie this, ooh Angie that," he says trying to mock me. He laughs as I do too. I get off him.

"I don't say that," I giggle sitting back in my spot.

"Nah you do," Tristan says biting an apple.

"They got a point," says James sitting next to me.

"Oh come on, I just met the girl. I wouldn't ramble on too much if i knew her," I reason.

"If your not rambling then how do we know her name?" Asks Tristan, "We usually don't know her name until 2nd month of you date the girl. Come on Brad, we have known each other for a good 7 years. I think we all know you very well"

"Ok yeah so what if I'm rambling on this girl. Is that so bad?" I ask.

"No but we would like to know this girl," James says.

"Okay dad," I say.

"Daddy actually" he says, we all laugh.

"But guys I only met her about week ago, and there is something different about her. I tried figuring it out but its impossible. I don't want to be too forward and plus she lives in California. And, and we are in the middle of tour so we can't do that...nope." I say getting back to the serious note.

"Sonny, did you forget about the magic of the internet?" James says slapping my back.

Oh no I'm in big mess now...

"I'll text her," I say into my hands and the boys cheer.

"Lets get the other lads," Connor says jumping off the bus to tell new hope club.

I go to my laptop and started to text her through there.

To Ma Fraise 🍓:
Hey soo like the boys want to talk to you... are you busy?

I feel my heart beat fast as I see the bubbles go up see the blue bubble pop up. My stomach made a weird feeling. But a good one.

From Ma Fraise 🍓:
No not at all :). How do they want to talk?

To Ma Fraise🍓:
Facetime or skype? Whatever is easier for you.

Incoming call...
Ma Fraise🍓

I answer.

"Hey," she says. I smile.

"Hi," I say.

"How are you?" She says. I scratch the back of neck as my elbows are propped.

"Oh you know the same as always," I smile. She giggles and my stomach gets that good feeling again. "How about you?"

"Oh you know the same as always," she mocks me and I chuckle. I hear the boys outside the bus coming.

"I'm so sorry for what these guys are going to say..." I say. She laughs and says you're good.

"Hey guys. Meet Angie. Angie meet the guys," I say moving to the side the guys can all fit in the screen.

"Hi I'm Angie," she says with a smile.

"Wow you're more beautiful than Bradley described you," George says. I get red. Both mad and embarrassed.

"Aww how cute you guys are both red," Reece states.

"Hey I think I remember you from the concert," Blake says. Really? He saw her? I couldn't even find her when we were performing. And trust me I was looking.

"Nice try. I got seats in the way back, not even binoculars could've found us," she responds. See I knew it was a mistake. Wait was Blake flirting?

"So what are all your guys names?" She asks.

"I'm Blake,"

"I'm Reece,"

"I'm George," (And we are New hope club, no? Ok ok continue)

"I'm James"

"I'm Connor"

"And I'm Tristan"

"Ok I will try to remember that," she giggles. I smile.

"So what part of California are you from?" Reece asks. Now I'm getting worried.

"LA" she says.

"Ooo not in Calabasas?" Connor asks. She laughs.

"Oh no. As if. I'm more orange county area if you guys understand," she says. They nod as if they do but we all know they don't.

"Well we better get to rehearsal," says George says winking at the screen. I look away and basically look as if i was smelling my knuckles.

"Bye guys!" She says waving bye to them.

"Yeah we should go too," James says as he and Connor stand up but Tristan doesn't. Connor kicks his foot.

"What?" Connor makes a face at him, "oh yeah um we better go. Bye Angie!" Tristan says getting up and leaving with the boys.

"Bye guys," she waves, "Your friends are so nice"

"Yup they can be," I joked, "I'm sorry about them"

"Your fine, if I showed you my sister, I would be more embarrassed" she says.

"Why don't you?"

"I don't know... She's a big fan of you guys," she says worried.

"Bring her, i can talk to another fan if i can stand you and i can stand her," I joke with her. She laughs and rolls her eyes at me.

"Let me go get her," she smiles. Man she's beautiful.

"What's that?" She asks in the corner of the screen.

"Whats what?" I ask nervously

"You said something?" She said. Ah shit i said it out loud.

"Oh no. I didn't say anything..." I say turning red.

"Ooh ok..."

Oh my....

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