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"What do you got so far?" I ask. He grabs his paper and I focus on his appearance. He is so cute. His curls. His

"We don't gotta be right
But we're feeling this right now
We don't got a lot of time
But we're taking this time out
Ah, we don't have to live forever
We don't have to settle down
We don't gotta be right
But we're right now, right now," he reads off the paper in a monotone voice.

"Come on add the tune," I giggle and he smiles giving in. He plays the song on the guitar and his voice overpowered. I got the chills.

"Brad your voice is beautiful," I say

"Not as beautiful as yours," he flirts amd I blush. He bites his lip and looks down. "So is there any way I can take you out on a date? Face-to-face?"

"I don't know...your out in Dallas right now and me here in California..." I say.

"What if I bought you a plan ticket to the next city we are heading to?" He asks me.

"I can't ask you to do that," I say.

"I'm not asking. I'm stating," he says.

"I don't know...I would have to ask my parents," I say and he frowns.

"Oh yeah forgot your still in Highschool," he says under his breath and I ignore it.

"Um the worst they can say is No," he says

"No," my dad states.

"Come on dad please," I beg.

"I thought you didn't wanna go to out state college/uni," he says, 'or neither at all' I thought to myself.

I look at my mom, she knows of me and Brad and she thought it was very cute, but knew my dad won't approve. She said she plans on telling him when I'm on the plane...

"Please its Nebraska state, please," I beg, "I just wanna keep my options open...AND plus Emma bought an extra ticket with no name and she said I don't have to pay her back"

He gives me a look. And it gives me the guilty feeling in my stomach. He sighs and replies,"yeah I guess, only because she has a free ticket." I hugged him and repeatedly said thank you. I run up my room to call Emma.

"My dad said yes," I squeal and so does she. She is one going to see Nebraska state and I would too because the 1st day we get there brad won't be there until the next day... so technically I'm not lying to my dad, it's just I'm not going to be at the school all the time... But two she knows so its all good.

"Thats amazing. So on the first day, I would recommend buying some Nebraska state merch," She states

"yeah, for sure. To at least show I am actually checking the campus too," I say. I


"You have all your stuff?" my dad says to me. I look at him and feel guilty for what I am doing. I love my dad so much, I tell him everything...except when it comes to boys, then he becomes an over-protective dad.

"Yep!" I respond.

"Alright, remember to take pictures and ask questions that I would ask. So ya know you can compare the colleges/universities you want to go to. And also for your dad's sake," he laughs.

"I will be fine dad. Don't worry. Just..." I thought for a second on what can give him a hint for later but not telling him at all, "...Don't panic, just know I am always going to be safe." He looks at me weird for I told him that, he shrugs and hugs me before letting me go with Emma to go through the baggage check.

I take a deep breath. Nervous for two things... One, being able to be with Brad, and two having my dad know the real reason why I am going to Nebraska...

I close my eyes and pray these 3 hours go quick.


We landed and its 3:57 pm. My phone buzzes with a text.

From: Dadio To: Ang

When you get back, I will be talking to you.


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