Part 9

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As the evening went on, the dares became increasingly weird and in Keith's eyes, uncomfortable. The rest of the group handled them with grace, but Keith wasn't used to this kind of open intimacy. It made him feel anxious.

He was extremely jittery, until Lance grabbed both his hands and held them in his, annoyed with Keith's constant tapping.

"Okay Keith, that's enough," Lance sneered in his ear. "I know you're not used to having fun, being a loner and all, but you're really getting on my nerves."

Keith had forced Coran to tell them about his first kiss, a story after which everyone was laughing till they cried. Coran had dared Allura to sing the national anthem of Altea. This would have gone okay, were it not that Allura was a terrible singer, and Pidge insisted on filming it. Allura proceeded to dare Pidge to sing the Italian national anthem. Pidge knew very little Italian, having moved away from her motherland when she was little. Allura returned the favor, filming Pidge now. Admittedly, Pidge's voice was better than Allura's, but both were awful.

It was Pidge who turned to the two boys again. Keith felt his heart fasten when she looked at him, thinking what she was gonna make him do. But her eyes wandered away from his, landing on Lance, who looked up, a terrified expression on his face. He was undoubtedly wondering what horrors she had in store for them. And they would not be disappointed.

"Lance, truth or dare?" asked Pidge innocently.

Lance frowned. "Ya know, I've been refraining from choosing truth all day, but I have to say, with some knowledge of your ideas in dares, I'm tempted to stop choosing dare."

Keith's face whitened. But he wanted to do more with Lance. He said casually: "What, are you afraid or something. I understand if you want to give up, McClain, I really do. If you want to call it quits, I'm okay with that. I'd actually really appreciate it."

He knew if there was anything that would convince Lance, it'd be a challenge. A challenge to defeat Keith.

And he was right.

Lance's fave contorted. He turned towards him, which wasn't hard since he was sitting in his lap. "Ha, you want me to quit, don't you, Mullet. Well you won't defeat me this easily." He turned back to Pidge. "Dare," he said triumphantly. He smirked at Keith, who had to look away.

Pidge also smirked, an idea clearly forming in her mind.

"For this dare, you will need to get out from under Keith."

Lance exhaled. Great. He wasn't gonna have to do any more weird stuff with Keith. Was that a good thing though?

Keith tried to hide his disappointment, until Pidge spoke the dare. "I dare you to give Keith a lapdance."

Shiro and Allura both simultaneously burst into a fit of laughter. Keith hid his blushing face in his hands. Lance just stared at her with utmost betrayal in his eyes. Or was it gratefulness? Keith wasn't sure. His heart was playing tricks on him.

Lance got up, throwing Keith off him in the process. Keith barely clinging onto the bank, and reseating himself.

Lance had to do a pirouette, so the purple ribbon wasn't twisted around his upper body. He looked down at Keith, inquiringly. Keith flushed red, and looked at Pidge.

"This is incredibly awkward, are you sure this is how you wanna play it?"

Pidge frowned, slowly nodded, and then shake her head vigorously. "Oh no, you're absolutely right. This is way too awkward. We can't have a lapdance without music. Stupid of me."

She got out her phone and quickly searched for an appropriate song. An upbeat, sensual song came on. The Spanish lyrics seemed to have a bigger effect on Lance than on Keith. His entire face turned red and he brushed his hand through his hear.

"Oh come on, Lance. Do something. Just listen to the song lyrics."

Lance turned to Keith. "You know Spanish?"

Pidge studied her nails. "I took a course in highschool."

"What do they say?" Keith wanted to know.

Lance blushed. "Nothing," he answered, his voice higher than usual.

The Spanish song boomed out of the speakers Pidge had synced her phone to. Lance unconsciously started to move along with the beat.

"Would you guys hurry up already," Hunk interrupted. "Before we lose our hands. Or, ya know, die of boredom."

Lance still seemed undecided. So Keith did the only thing he knew. Something that always worked.

"What is it, McClain, afraid to get close to me? Has Loverboy Lance suddenly lost his nerve? If you ever had it, that is."

A sudden determination glanced over Lance's eyes, and he smirked down at Keith. "Oh, you wish, Mullethead. Prepare yourself for the best lapdance you have ever experienced. Oh, who am I kidding. I bet this is your first."

"Why do you always insult my hair," Keith wondered out loud, without really expecting a reaction.

Lance sat down on top of him, one leg on each side, and looked Keith deep in his eyes. "Just don't fall in love with me. I know I'm irresistible."

Too late, Keith thought. The boy of his dream was sitting on his lap. Could this day get any better.

Lance looked down at the gorgeous boy beneath him. He looked so innocent, and scared and... Excited? Lance had never seen such a cute face. It was absolutely destroying him.

Lance pushed Keith's back against the couch. His hair fell back, and he could finally see all of the boys face, without his stupid mullet obscuring half of it. He looked adorable, so vulnerable.

Lance shrugged. "Well, here we go."


So I promised a new chapter and here it is, a long one. Kind of. Hope you guys enjoy it. I definitely enjoyed writing it. Already looking forward to next chapter. Things are about to get slightly dirty, so be prepared. Anyway, vote or leave a reaction if you want, I always appreciate it greatly.

All my love,


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