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It was night time as three water gormitis where fishing. One of the water gormitis saw a vomica eating the fish they caught.

"Can I get some help over here!" As the water gormiti yelled at the other two.

"What is it?" Another one asked

"Look for yourself" He pointed at the Vomica, that was eating the fish, that was caught by the three water gormitis. 

They tried to attack the vomica, to let go of the fishes it was eating. But it was no use.


Suddenly something swooped by the boat and caught the vomica by the head. The vomica screeched of pain, as the claws from the creature dug into its head. 

"What in gorm is that" One of the water gormiti yelled in confusion and terrified of the creature. 

The creature flapped its wings and took up the vomica in the sky. The vomica tried to shake the creatures claws from the head. The creature flew off with the vomica, in the night sky and vanished. 

The three water gormitis where shocked and scared off they have seen. They went back to the kingdom. 

As they came back to the kingdoms harbor with scared expressions on their face, someone approached one of them and asked.

"what happened, why do you guys look like you saw something?" Asked the one gormiti that approached them.

"W...we saw something..." said one of them scared.

"And what was it that you three saw?" asked the gormiti again

"Something big! with wings! and -" the scared and shocked gormiti was cut off by the one that approached them.

"Take it easy, and tell me everything you three out saw there" said the gormiti.

The three gormitis told everyone what they have, and what happened. The story was spread around and soon came to the two princes of the water kingdom. 

Creatures in the night skyWhere stories live. Discover now