Why the fuck not...?

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A/N Hey guys. This is my first fanfic so if it's no good you understand why. If you like it let me know if you think it can be improved please tell me so that i can learn from my mistakes. By the way this will be a bit dark. I'll provide trigger warnings so don't worry if you can't deal with that kinda stuff. Quick heads up there will also be swearing and other stuff so yeah... Hope you enjoy!!


The slow beat of the music coming from my headphones was ruined by a high pitched beep coming from my laptop, taking me out of the daydream I was in. I checked my emails to see that my agent had left me another message.

'Joe, the producers are becoming impatient. They need an answer now!!

Hannah x'

How the fuck was I supposed to make a decision this big with a head as messed up as mine. I had to get someone else's opinion..."Byron! Come in here a sec," I yelled into kitchen. I heard the slow shuffle of my roommate come into my office.

B: Whats up bro?

J: I still don't know what to do

B: For fucks sake Joe. This is a once in a life time opportunity why are you questioning it?

J: 'Cos y'know. I jus...

B:I know, I know but seriously, your in a great place in your life right now- 'yeah right' I thought to myself. Why the fuck not? Go for it.

J: I guess your right- thanks man

As Byron walked out of the room I thought about it more - if it works out then brilliant!If it doesn't, then I could just do what I was gonna do anyway. I still had the pre-written notes to leave for my friends and family for after I did it. I snapped out of my thought and replied to my agent:

'Hannah - Tell the producers i'm in.

Why the fuck not?!

Joe x'

So I guess it's happening. I'm going on strictly come dancing 2018.


'Come on Di it's getting late and we have to meet the celebs tomorrow.' Amy said in her delightful welsh accent. Reluctantly, I put my drink down on the bar and stood up. Amy left me and walked off round the corner to her apartment. I got out my phone and ordered an Uber to take me home. As I got out the club and onto the street, I flipped through my phone to pass the time until a message popped up at the top of my screen.

'You clearly haven't listened to me - look at the time you skank - you have 30 minutes to get home or you're gonna have to pay for it'

'Shit' I mumbled to myself. By now these texts from Anthony were nothing out of the ordinary, however the threats he burdened me with were still absolutely terrifying. The more I thought about it, the more the bruises on back began to ache unbearably. And the scratches and scars on my legs and arms began to sting. A constant reminder of what I have to live with. As the car pulled up across the road, I got in thinking about nothing and everything, dreading what I was coming home too.

I slowly came out of my thoughts as the car came to a sudden stop. I thanked the driver and paid him as I scrambled out of the car and into the cold, harsh air of night time London. I don't want to go inside - I don't want to see him. I don't want to live like this. Living with someone who makes you feel alone is worse than living with no one at all. He's too controlling. But this is it. This is what life has given me and I have to be thankful for being given one at all. Submissively my feet shuffled towards the stairs, slowly climbing them one by one. Forget stairway to heaven, this was stairway to hell. My key had barely reached the lock when it suddenly opened making me jump. A tall man with a red face was standing in my home. His breath stank of cheap whiskey making me want to throw up.

Trigger warning

I looked up to his eyes before I felt his strong hands wrap around my neck. Tightly. He lifted me up off of the floor and pushed me onto the wall in the hallway. "where the fuck have you been you worthless piece of shit?" The smell of booze on his breath hit me like a truck, making me want to throw up more. His grip on my neck was getting tighter by the second. I could feel my eyes popping out of my skull. My ears blocking. My body screaming for air. Anthony looked at me in the eyes and simply said,"never again you bitch." He let go of me, forcing me to crumple down onto the floor, gasping for air. Slowly he walked upstairs to the bedroom, kicking me in the shin as he moved past my broken body. After 5 minutes or so I could finally feel my body bringing in oxygen. I crawled into the bathroom and propped myself up against the side of the bath. I reached across and picked up a razor from the cupboard. Rolling up mys sleeves I thought to myself, 'it has to get better than this.'




'It has too.'

A/N hey people. So this was part 1. I hope you liked it I would like to keep on going with this and i promise it will get better. Thanks x

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