Why did you set this up...?

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Joe's POV:

After being in a car for what felt like a month. I was sat uncomfortably in the back seat of the car, the metal handcuffs digging into my wrists that were forced behind my back. My head was in agony after the officer whacked it onto the wall. I could feel a faint trickle of blood slowly moving down the right hand side of my face and dripping onto the white business shirt that I wore for my meetings earlier.

But I couldn't think about how much pain I was in right now. There were only two questions in my head. The first was less important to me. Why was I being falsely accused of assaulting someone that I hadn't seen in over 6 months? I mean I never liked Anthony after what he did to Dianne, but I would never stoop down to his levels and hurt him.

My second thought was only about Dianne. I really hoped someone had got to her. That someone was helping her. She knows that I haven't done anything. At least, I hope she knows that. After the long day I had, plus the news that Dianne was pregnant, and now this; My head was scrambled. I was so tired and the blood loss from my head put me closer to loosing consciousness.

The car came to a sudden stop outside of an unlit building somewhere on the outskirts of London. It looked nothing like a police station or prison and I knew then what was going on. The car door opened beside me and the supposed police officer grabbed my shoulder. Violently digging his fingers underneath my shoulder blade, as if he was trying to pull it off, only causing me more pain.

He walked me into the building which was dark and musty. The air was damp and it was somehow freezing cold in the building, yet also like a furnace inside. There was a harsh blue light coming from underneath a doorway. We walked towards the door and the guy dragging me along pushed it open to reveal a table with 2 chairs inside the room. On one of those chairs was a very familiar face. It was smug and irritating. A smile was drawn across the face.

"Hey Joe. Long time no see."

Dianne's POV:

As the door was slammed, I still couldn't let my feet move. I was frozen to the spot for a solid 10 minutes. I felt my hands begin to shake violently and I began to sweat. My palms went clammy and my heart rate increased rapidly. I couldn't talk and my whole mouth went dry. I stared at the door the entire time. I wasn't thinking about anything. Not even Joe. My brain was empty, and without Joe by my side my life was empty as well. Tonight was somehow the best and worst night of my life. I may be pregnant with a baby but without the father by my side, I felt like ending both of our lives.

The balcony was beckoning me. Almost mocking me. I am so close to giving in to it. Going up to the edge, only to fall. But something stopped me. Joe was back in my head, and those dark thoughts brought me back round.

I reached into my pocket with my shaking hands and brought out my phone. Scrolling through my contacts I reached Janette's name and pressed call.

I brought the phone up to my ear. Shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. I heard the dial cut off as Janette answered.

"Hey Di what's up !"


"Dianne what's wrong?"

"Just get here quickly."

"D-Dianne why. What's going on."

I gave no answer and hung up the phone. I was staring into distance as I dropped my phone to the floor. I lent back on the wall behind me and slid down it, onto the floor. I continued to stare into nothing as tears started to come barrelling down my face and onto my lap.

No Joe.

No hope.


Joe and Dianne: My suicide saviourWhere stories live. Discover now