When can it be me, you and the beach...?

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/Time skip to 2 days later/

Dianne's POV:

These past 3 days, I had just been going to places with my family. Places that I had been to as a kid, but wanted to see again. Joe didn't come with us and to be honest, i'm happy about that. As much as I love my blue eyed boy, I need some time just me and my family. 

However as I woke this morning wrapped in Joe's comforting arms, I couldn't help but feel like I had neglected him recently. I thought about what we could do today, whilst I was laying wrapped in his arms. I din't care that it was like 32 degrees Celsius outside, I still wanted to stay under the duvet and feel the heat of Joe's body radiate against mine. 

Time moved on though, and Joe showed no signs of waking up, I slowly wriggled out of his arms and walked out of the room. My mum and dad were sat down at the table having breakfast. I sat down with them and poured myself a coffee still in my tired state. 

"So what do you want to do today Di?" My dad asked cheerfully. I wanted to spend time with my family so much, but I knew I had to be with Joe today.

"I don't know really. I have to spend some time with Joe today. We're in Australia for 6 more days and as much as I love spending time with you guys, I feel so bad for leaving him alone every day." Feeling bad was an understatement to be honest, I'd never been this open with my parents before like this so it was a bit weird.

"Well why don't we do both." My mum said. I didn't really understand what she meant. I shot her a confused look, willing her to continue. " It's not tricky Dianne, why don't we call everyone over and have a day on the beach together, and then later on, you and Joe can go out for dinner. We'll pay for you to go somewhere nice okay."

"Really?" I questioned. It was unusual for me to be open with my parents, but it wasn't as strange as them welcoming Joe as much as they had. I'd obviously had boys stay here before I left for London, but they were never like this.

"Of course sweetie." My dad said with a smile on his face. And with that the conversation was over. I sat there with some breakfast, flicking through Instagram. I was distracted, when Joe walked into the main room. He had a pair of grey joggers on and no shirt, letting his abs stand out as the light from the window hit his chest. His hair was flopped over and was its usual perfect mess.

"Morning guys," he said in his delirious state. I may have been awake for two hours already,but for Joe this was still way to early.

"Morning Joe," My mum said cheerfully, which still seemed weird to me. He flashed her his perfect smile and sat down next to me.

"So Joseph Sugg, how does a beach day sound to you?" I asked him wishing it would cheer him up slightly. These past few days I could tell that he had missed hanging out with me. His reply only furthered that theory.

He looked up to me with his big blue eyes and looked at me with a stern look on his face. It was a side I hadn't really seen to Joe, it took me by surprise. It was kind of hot.

"Will you be there?" He asked. This broke my heart a little bit truth be told.

"Of course Joe."

"Then it sounds perfect." His gorgeous smile came back and he pulled me closer to him. He kissed my forehead lightly as my head hit his chest gently. I couldn't help but let a huge smile to my face. It quickly dropped though, when I looked up to see both my parents sitting on the other side of the table and smiling at me and my boy.

Rina's POV:   

As everyone else came over, we all headed down to the beach. Dianne and Joe headed down in front of myself and Mark. Their hands were intertwined, and I couldn't help but smile at them.

"Rina stop smiling at them like that it's weird." Mark said taking me out of my thoughts.

"I know, I know, but I can't help it. I've just never seen Dianne like this. I know that the boys thought that she was happy with Anthony, but since seeing her with Joe, I know that she wasn't happy with him. She's happy with Joe. I've never seen her like this. Not only with a boyfriend but with anyone, or anything."

"Just don't get to focused on it. They've only been going out for 6 months."

"Yeah but how long had we been going out before you popped the question Mark?"

"10 months. But that's because I knew you were the one."

"And I knew too. I'm not blind to our kids Mark. I think I know my daughter well enough to know that she knows that Joe is the one. And I think he knows it too."

Narrator's POV: 

For the rest of the day, Joe, Dianne, Mark, Rina, Andrew, Mel, Brendan, Mia and Billy spent the entire day on the beach. To begin with, everyone just laid out in the sun, getting tanned, and enjoying each other's company. Until eventually, they started doing things. They played cricket, volleyball and Joe even taught Billy and Mia how to play rugby.

Seeing Joe get on so well with her niece and nephew warmed Dianne's heart. She finally took some time to think about a future with Joe. Whilst she watched him play with the kids and watch him make them laugh, she opened up to the possibility of having kids with Joe. She never used to want kids because it might effect her dancing career, but for the first time in her life she knew that Joe, and having a future with Joe by her side would be worth letting go of her career.

After about 6 hours of laughter on the beautiful sandy beach, under the hot summer sun, Joe and Dianne headed back to the house, with everyone following behind. They'd all had a fantastic day, but Dianne knew that the next few hours she was going to have with Joe were going to be special.

Joe didn't know about the plans for diner, so when they got back, Dianne told him to have a shower and put on some smart clothes. As they got ready, Dianne couldn't help but imagine what her and Joe could be. She knew he was the one, but how did he feel?     

Joe and Dianne: My suicide saviourWhere stories live. Discover now