Your Walk

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(My cat stepped on my keyboard whilst I was trying to think of a title, so you guys are lucky I didn't call it: Your ~%T$Rrrrr~)

"W... Wh... What... What do you mean?" Peter stutters over his words, desperately trying to defend himself.

"Peter... You're terrible at keeping secrets." You laugh.

"I... don't know what you mean-"

"Seriously? No matter if you deny this, I know you're Spiderman."

"But... Why do you think I'm Spiderman?"

"Well... Spiderman knew who my cousin was, your voice was the same, you disappeared and soon after Spiderman appeared... Oh, and I heard you and Tony talking about it."


"Yeah... Oh."

"Ok. Fine! Yes, I am Spiderman."

"There you go, how hard was that?" You laugh.

"Surprisingly hard." He returns the laugh.

"Now you understand how I felt when you found out about my powers." You sigh, relieved that Peter has finally admitted he's Spiderman.

"Can we make a deal?"

"Uh... sure?"

"You promise not to tell anyone I'm Spiderman-"

"And you promise not to tell anyone I have powers." You finish his sentence for him.


"Deal." You reach over and seal the deal with a hug.

"If we wanna survive, we're gonna need to work together." You laugh.

"You're laughing now, but you've got a point. We need to work together. We don't know who we can trust nowadays."

You both pull back from the hug and sit in silence for a bit, just watching Thor rolling around in mud, and contemplating what just happened.

You just struck a deal with... Spiderman!?! The... Spiderman?!? You promised Spiderman to protect him... And Spiderman promised to protect you... maybe an overuse of the word, Spiderman, but, I mean,


"You know..." You slightly jump, as Peter awakens you from your daydreaming to start a new conversation.

"Mhm?" You encourage him to go on.

"I didn't know if I could trust you at first..."


"But... Once I got to know you, you're pretty cool... Y/N Y/L/N."

"Thanks. You're pretty cool too... Peter Parker."

You look up at him and smile, his chocolate brown eyes, beaming at you, all sweet and innocent.

You take a moment to reflect on all you've been through, Peter always being there for you, your anchor in a stormy sea. You never realised how much Peter means to you, until this moment.

"Just kiss already." You turn around to see Tony stood there, a cheeky grin written upon his face.

You and Peter quickly stand up, for some reason thinking that by doing that, it would seem less suspicious, however it does the complete opposite, and suggests that you're hiding something.

"W- What?" You stutter, your face turning slightly rose coloured.

"Yeah... W... What?" Peter also stutters, his cheeks blushing bright red.

Tony doesn't say anything, but just laughs.

"How long have been standing there?" You ask Tony.

"Don't panic, I've only just got here." 

"So why scare us like that?" You question, still recovering from his sudden appearance.

"I went to your room to try and talk to you, but you weren't there, so I figured you went for a walk, and then I just tracked you down. Oh, and I thought it would be funny."

"Yeah... Very funny... Ha Ha Ha." You sarcastically laugh. 

"Don't feel embarrassed. I've had my fair share of flings, but nothing like this. This, this is real." He gestures between the two of you.

You and Peter both look up at each other, smile, and quickly look away again, making your cheeks blush red.

"Ah... You don't see it. But, trust me, kids, if there's something there, then it's worth exploring."

You stay silent for a while, not knowing what to say. Listening to love advice from a relative is always a delightful topic, totally not embarrassing one bit. 

"Well, I better leave you guys to it. Just talk to me when you get back, Y/N." He begins to walk away, but both you, and Peter shout after him.

"No! It's ok, we should probably head in now anyway." You say, jogging over to Thor, grabbing his lead, and walking over to Tony, with Peter in tow. 

"Ok..." Tony says, whilst waiting for you and Peter.

The journey back to the Facility is interesting... You nor Peter have anything to say, so the conversation is mainly taken up by Tony talking about something called Nano Tech, which means nothing to you, or Peter for that matter. 

. . . . . .

"I'm a London boy, born and bred, and I'll be there for as long as I can."

- The guy who's gonna foster puppies. AHHHH... TOO... MUCH... CUTENESS!!!


Bonjour meine amigos! I hope you're all doing well! I've finished my mock exams now, results on Friday! I want to apologise for this terrible chapter, It's really boring, and I know it, I'm sorry. I just left it on an annoying bit last chapter, and I needed to carry on with their walk, and I couldn't really take it very far, because it's too soon for certain things to happen XD. As I said last chapter, I hope to carry on posting more regularly, like this one, and so stay tuned! Ooh, I almost forgot to say, but we reached 2k reads! I actually can't believe this, it's amazing, thank you guys so much! 

Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful day!

Larb ya! 

Yours - Peter Parker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now