Your Worries

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This is where you are in the story, the blue orb upon your hand.

You get up out of your seat, cover your hand and run to the school toilets, a tear slipping out of the corner of your eye and running down your cheek.

"What has happened to me?" you mutter under your breath, tears dripping faster and faster down your face and onto the floor, leaving a trail of tears behind you.

You begin to run faster and faster, you don't want to hurt anyone, or make an even bigger fool of yourself. Even if that's possible anymore.

Why didn't you just sit in class and wait until it was over? Then you could have gone to the toilet and sort out whatever this nightmare is. But, now people are going to think you're even more weird now. Your chances of making friends is even lower than before. Might as well just give up and become a lonely ol' cat lady. At least that sounds kinda fun. Who needs friends when you have food? (and cats) (and Tom Holland)

You shake your head.

No, get this out of your head, your fine. This is totally normal for a 15 year old girl. Yep, totally normal for a girl to see a weird blue floating orb on her hand. Yeah, totally normal.

Yeah, and that trying to 'get this out of your head' idea, obviously didn't work. Seeing as, you're totally paranoid.

So, as you try and ignore what happened....

Guess what, you can't get it out of your head. It's just impossible. (Ha, get it XD)(See you get it, because... Because... Tom was in... The.. The... Oh nvm)

And what do you do? You do the opposite.

You absolutely think about it.

Without wanting to, your brain automatically recalls the incident with the car earlier....

'A hit from a car that fast should have killed you'

And here we go again....

Paranoia in its natural habitat.

This can't be possible.

No, no, no, NO!

It can't be, NO!


You scream in your head.

This can't be happening.

But, indeed, it was happening, well, not quite what you were thinking.

I'm dying?

. . . . . .

"The most important thing, in anything you do, is always trying your hardest, because even if you try your hardest and it's not as good as you'd hoped, you still have that sense of not letting yourself down."

- My Lil' Quackson


Hey guys! I don't know if this is any good, seeing as I kinda just kept coming back to this and adding random bits, so it could switch between my moods at the time of writing XD. Anyway, I should be revising for my English exam, but you know, this kinda counts, right?

Larb ya!

Yours - Peter Parker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now