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yuta makes his way back to his bed as jaehyun walks into the room.  "are you okay, yuta?" is the first thing that jaehyun says as he walks in. yuta hums.

"yeah, i'm okay, jaehyun, don't worry." yuta replys and shurgs, lying back on his hard bed. jaehyun shuffles his feet, not knowing what to say.  "you don't seem okay." jaehyun simply says. yuta looks up him with a confused look. 

"i'm fine." yuta reassures him. jaehyun lets out a soft cough and looks down at his feet. "i saw you in the bathroom." is all he says for yuta to understand what he meant. "who gave you it?" yuta fidgets with the hems of the bed blankets. 

"i don't know." yuta lies. jaehyun coughs again and holds his mouth closed.  yuta sends him a concerned look. "don't lie to me, who?" yuta looks down at his hands, not knowing if he should tell him or not. "you don't know them." yuta lies once again. jaehyun gags. 

"stop lying. it hurts." jaehyun glares at yuta. yuta meets his glare to only say: "no one needs to know." jaehyun runs to the bathroom and pukes into the toilet. yuta rush off his bed to the bathroom to see daffodil petals all over the seat. 

"w-who, jaehyun? who did this to you?" yuta murmurs.

"you, asshole"  

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