Passing notes

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Allys pov
I just didn't wanna go back by Zach and Jonah right now because Hailleys still upset. Plus I do actually like the beach better and Hailley loves the water. Suddenly a paper is thrown at me i look up and see Jack looking at me then he turns around.  I open it and read what it says.
you look cute I smile and blush slightly.  I elbow Hailley lightly. She looks at me and i show her the paper. She looks at me confused.
"Jack thinks im cute." I whispered.
"Aw thats cute." She smiles.
"Hailley." Daniel whispers.
"Yea." She asks.
"When we get to the beach can i take you away to talk." He smiles.
"Uh- Sure." Hailley blushes as he turns around.
"You're cute when you blush by the way." He smirks looking back. Hailley just looks at me her eyes wide and a smile on her face. I just laughed quietly. We get to the beach and Daniel sneaks Hailley away while Jack and I distract Corbyn.
"Where'd Hailley go?" Corbyn asks looking around.
"Probably to change." I shrug.
"And Daniel?" He asks suspicious of what's happening.
"To the bathroom i think." Jack says.
"Oh." Corbyn shrugs walking away.
"Where did he take her?" I ask.
"Im not sure actually." Jack shrugs.
"Also would you maybe wanna get dinner sometime?" Jack adds.
"Really?" I ask.
"Yea." He shrugs rubbing the back of his neck.
"I'd love that." I smile.
"I thought for sure you were gonna say no." He laughs.
"I mean you are strange." I smirk.
"Thanks." He laughs.

Hailleys pov
We arrived at the beach and Daniel grabs my hand and drags me away.
"Are you like one of those creepy guys who kidnaps woman then murders them??" I ask in fake fear.
"Totally." He laughs.
"Help i'm being kidnaped." I laugh. Daniel just laughs and we stop where Corbyn cant see us. We hear him asking questions. Ally and Jack cover for us and then Jack asked Ally out. I smile and shake my head lightly.
"Anyway I was wondering if we could maybe hang out and get to know each other?" Daniel asked.
"Aw of course." I smile.
"Great. I'll see you for lunch tomorrow for our first non-date." He laughs and walks away. I stand there and smile then go and get changed.  I get back to the group and have Ally take my picture. The boys are being reckless and goofy as Ally and I start to the water.

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