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I am sooooooooo bored.

I have nothing to do. I mean, I could sleep, but like eh. Who needs sleep :')

Ugh. Nothing to read :(  and nothing to eat :(

Great! There go all of my boredom activites! Bye-bye!

And now I can't help but notice that I hate just one return between 'paragraphs'. I have to have 2. It doesn't work any other way... and come to think of it, I don't write nearly enough.

I've been given a story idea by ClaudiaMOTC, but I have, like, zero motivation to write anything. I ain't very creative with this kind of thing.

I can't even rant about stuff like PeterParkerpants can. I don't know why. I have nothing interesting to say. Unless you wanna hear about my awkward Wal•Mart encounter I had today? But even that isn't all that exciting.

I guess I'll leave it at that then? For all the people who wont read this, I reassure them I will probably rant about my sad times later :')

I have no friends XD

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