"Just You"

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In everything I do,

all I see is you.

I look up at the stars,

and man, we've come so far.

Where we were yesterday

is how we found our way.

When I smell the sea,

I see you looking at me.

When I'm in my car,

I remember us at that bar.

When I decide to paint,

any doubts about you grow faint.

When I drink coffee from my mug,

I feel the warmth of your long hug.

When my toes dig into the sand,

my fingers fit perfect in your hand.

When I am relaxed in the cold wind,

I can't wait for our life together to begin.

But how can a wonderful story start

when we have grown so far apart?

So for now I'll just settle and look

as you two write together your own little book.

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