Chapter One: Part 1

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This takes place with the Baudelaires
Violet's P.O.V.
Klaus and I had just pushed the Beatrice off land. There were multiple thoughts racing through my head; Where would we go? What would we find when we got there? Would anyone be waiting for us? I looked to Klaus, then to Sunny and little Beatrice who were sitting in the boat. We both climbed in and sailed over the rock wall.

It must have been about an hour since we had lost sight of land, and Sunny and Beatrice were both asleep. I turned to my brother. "Klaus," I said, " where do you think we'll end up?" He kept his eyes focused on the water.

"Wherever this tide takes us, I suppose," he responded. I could tell he was thinking about something, a sensitive subject to both of us.

"What's wrong? I know you're thinking about something," I said cautiously.

"Nothing's wrong, I was just thinking about the Quagmires."

"Oh," I replied, "I have been thinking about them for the last couple of days." I remember the last day we saw Duncan and Isadora, I remember it like it was yesterday. We watched them float up into the sky with Hector on his self sustaining hot air mobile home. I couldn't help but notice the way Isadora and Klaus looked at each other for the last time. I saw the same look in Duncan's eyes as well.

"What do you think happened to them?" Klaus asked, making me snap out of my trance.

"I don't know, I just hope they're safe. Do you think they found Quigley?" I remembered the other Quagmire boy, he had the same facial features as Duncan. And I remembered what happened on the waterfall a year ago when we were on Mount Fraught trying to rescue Sunny. It's a thing I don't particularly like remembering, either. I never even told Klaus what happened.

"Maybe," he said, trailing off into his own memories, so I thought I would let him be.

Klaus' P.O.V.

"Maybe," I responded to Violet's question. I kept thinking about Isadora. I remembered even the smallest little quirks she had; like when she was nervous or thinking about something, she would bite the inside of her cheek or tap her temple lightly as a way to boost her train of thought. I remembered the last time I saw her. She floated up into the sky with Duncan, and there were tears in her eyes.

"You should get some sleep, Violet," I said to my sister, "I can handle steering for now. I'll wake you up if I need you." She gave a small smile and went to lay down next to Beatrice and Sunny. Wherever the the Quagmire triplets are, I hope they're safe and happy. Especially after all they've been through.

~The End

A/N well here's my first chapter. I hope you people reading have enjoyed it so far. Thank you for your time!

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