Chapter Four

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Isadora's P.O.V.
Being at Prufrock has actually been better than I thought it would be. A lot of the kids are nice, there are only a few who are total dipshits. The teachers are all nice. And the cafeteria food is a lot better than before, you don't have to drink from puddles or eat with your hands behind your back if your late anymore.

Delilah and Noah have introduced us to some of their friends, Noah's cousin Catherine, who is a little younger than Fiona, and her girlfriend Stephany. And Noah's sister Zoe, who is also the same age as Fiona. Noah opened up a bit about his family, he told us about his brother, William, who died a few years back after falling through some thin ice. Him and Zoe were close and Noah said she was never the same after he died; she became bitter and isolated herself from everything. She had a full mental shutdown for months after. She's gotten better, but she still has trust issues.

The librarian, Adeline Wallace, helped me find the book I was meaning to read right before my parents died. The Book Thief. I'm almost done with it, but my homework has been piling up for the past week and I'm too tired to read before I go to bed, so I am making time to finish this weekend.

Duncan and I still miss the Baudelaires terribly.

"Isadora, are you almost ready," Fiona calls from down the hall.

"Almost," I call back, putting my journal under my pillow. I join the rest of my family in the small living room of our dorm and we head out the door.

~time skip~

It's halfway through third period and it's almost lunch. I have this class with Delilah and she sits behind me. Mrs. Mitchell is explaining the rules of pi when Jacquelyn comes over the intercom.

"Can the Quagmire triplets and Fiona Widdershins report to my office as soon as possible, please and thank you," she says. I turn around to Delilah, and she gives me a small shrug. I gather up my books and walk out the door.

I meet my brothers and Fiona in Jacquelyn's office as directed. She's slipping on a light sweater and she grabs her car keys. "We all ready to go?" she asked with a smile. We all nodded in reply, still confused on why she called us down.

We walked out the front doors and got in the taxi. Fiona sat in front with my brothers and I in the back.

"Jacquelyn, where are you taking us," Fiona asked.

"It's a surprise and you'll see soon enough," was her only reply, and we were silent for the rest of the ride.

About 15 minutes later we pulled up to Briny Beach. Duncan and I stepped out of the backseat. I felt my breath hitch in my chest and I heard Duncan gasp from beside me, both of us in shock of the people we saw before us. People we thought we would never see again.

"Baudelaires," Duncan and I said simultaneously.

"Quagmires," Violet said.

My eyes landed on Klaus and I felt my eyes start to water. My vision blurred with tears, I ran down the wooden steps and right into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and his went around my waist.

"We thought we'd never see you again," I sobbed into his shoulder.

"I missed you so much, Izzie," he said, sniffling, using the name he had given me at Prufrock all that time ago.

Duncan's P.O.V.
Isadora had already rushed into Klaus' arms. I stood at the top of the steps for a moment, all the while keeping eye contact with Violet. She and I just stared at each other, before I finally ran down the steps and scooped her into my arms. Despite her being older, she's shorter than me. My arms were around her waist, and one of her arms was around my neck.

"God, I missed you, Vi," I said tearfully.

"I missed you, too, Duncan," she said, her voice breaking a bit. I stepped back and, for the first time, I realized she was holding a baby, and Sunny was standing beside her. She had a small grin on her face as she watched her siblings. Klaus and Isadora had broken their embrace, and their foreheads were now touching as they smiled at each other through their tears. Isadora had turned her gaze to Violet and hugged her best friend. Klaus and I hugged as well. Then Isadora and I hugged Sunny.

"Well, who's this little cutie?" Isadora asked, referring to the baby Violet was holding.

"This is Beatrice Baudelaire the second, Kit Snicket's daughter," Klaus said. My family remembered Kit as the woman who tried to rescue us from the eagles before we found Fiona on the submarine, Fiona was the one who knew Kit better, though. I suddenly got a bit worried as to how the Baudelaires would react to seeing Quigley and Fiona again; Quigley told me he kissed Violet, and honestly, I was mad. I didn't know who I was mad at more, Violet or my brother. Quigley didn't know I liked Violet, and I didn't want to be mad at Violet. I didn't want to be mad because I knew her; I knew the way her mind worked, I knew her strengths and her weaknesses, and I knew she wouldn't hurt me like that unless she wasn't in the right state of mind. And Quigley apologized, and his heart wasn't set on Violet anymore, it was set on Fiona, and it had been since the day they met.

Fiona and Quigley approached us hand in hand, and the Baudelaires went silent.

Violet's P.O.V.
My posture stiffened when I saw him. Quigley Quagmire. I never told Klaus that he kissed me on that waterfall on Mount Fraught. And I didn't know if Duncan knew. I wanted to slap him so hard across the face, but I kept in my boiling anger. I turned my attention to Fiona, and she looked scared and nervous. I wasn't as upset with her, she kissed Klaus, but I could tell she did it spur of the moment, and right after she realized there was no romantic connection between them. Kit said she wanted us to forgive her, and we had, after much time. We could tell she never wanted to leave with Olaf, but she had to be with her brother. And to us, family always comes first.

I looked down and realized Quigley and Fiona were holding hands, their fingers interlocked.

Fiona looked flustered, cheeks as red as a tomato. Quigley seemed to notice and squeezed her hand, and she seemed to calm down a bit.

"Hello, Baudelaires," Fiona said nervously. Klaus and I greeted her back. "I want to apologize for everything I did. I understand if you don't forgive me, but I want you to know that I am truly sorry for betraying your trust."

"We forgive you," Klaus said.

"We understand why you did it. Family comes first and we can't blame you for that," I added. Before anyone could say something else, Jacquelyn came over to us.

"I'm very sorry to interrupt, but we must be going now. It's getting dark and I want the Baudelaires to get settled before it gets too late. I'm sure they're very tired from their journey," she said gently. We nodded in agreement and walked over to the taxi.

Since the taxi was too small to fit all of us, we decided that Duncan, Klaus, Izzie, and I would ride with Jacquelyn and hold Sunny and Beatrice while Quigley and Fiona would ride back with Douglas.

As we drove away from the beach, I leaned my head on Duncan's shoulder and thought about everything we had all been through. But when I looked into Duncan's eyes, I had a feeling that our series of unfortunate events had finally come to a close.

A/N~ 6/22/21- took me long enough omg. i'm very sorry to have kept you all waiting for so long for an update and if you've stuck around this long then thank you for reading! this chapter caused me major writer's block but now that it's done, i think updates will be coming faster now. thanks for reading!

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