Chapter Two: Part 1

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This takes place with the Quagmires and Fiona
Duncan's P.O.V.
Izzie and I walked into the kitchen, only to find Quigley and Fiona making out by the pantry.

"Get a room," I yelled. Isadora stifled a laugh.

They both turned around, Fiona was blushing heavily. This wasn't the first time we caught those two.
"You two need to control yourselves," Isadora said, laughing.

"Sorry," Quigley mumbled.

We all sat down at our little round table and ate our sandwiches. Captain Widdershins
walked in a few minutes later, and he looked as if something was off.
"Children," he said in a serious tone," I have something I would like to talk to you about."

I glanced at Fiona and my siblings, we all shared looks of confusion.
"Aye, we're all ears, Stepfather," Fiona said.

The captain sighed and said, "That mission I went on was actually a meeting with a member of V.F.D. that would determine your futures. And I've decided that it would be safer if you went with her and lived on land for a little while."

"What?! We can't do that! I'm not leaving you!" Fiona said loudly.

"Just hear me out, Fiona," the captain said in a voice that made his stepdaughter quiet down, "Many of our enemies are still at large and it's not safe for you anymore. If you stay with me you'll be in more danger."

"How long will we be living on land?" Quigley asked.

"I'm not entirely sure yet."

"Which V.F.D. member will we be going with?" Isadora asked.

"Her name is Jacqelyn Schieszka; I think you might know her. She will be taking you to live at a boarding school, Prufrock Prep."

"Prufrock Prep?" I asked.

"Yes," the captain responded, "and I know about your miserable time there, but trust me, Jacqelyn has taken over the school and is head principal now. She has assured me that you will all live in a dorm. So, what do you say?"

"I'm alright with it," Isadora said. Quigley and I agreed with her.

"What will happen to you and Fernald?" Fiona asked.

The captain looked at his stepdaughter with comforting eyes,"We'll be fine, my dear; but, Fiona, Fernald will have to be turned into the police. You understand that, don't you?"

"Yes, I understand," she said, her voice breaking a little.

"Good," the captain smiled at all of us,"we head out tomorrow, so be sure to pack all of your belongings."

He got up and gave Fiona a light, comforting kiss on the head, then he walked out of the room.

A/N- hi, so I've edited this chapter because I thought this made more sense. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns in the comments. Thank you!

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