Really not fine at all.

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Words can't even begin to describe how much I miss you and wish I could just have you, doesn't even have to be in a sexual way. But just in a way that you actually care about me and slightly want to talk to me and when I get upset don't let me go, but stay and use your charm, that you've used and so many other girls, to make me feel better.

But then I realize that I'm so much better without you, I don't cry as much, my feelings aren't as all over the place and I don't have to worry so much. Maybe I could focus on some other guys and not try so hard to just be your friend.

We've talked about this before, waking up and not remembering anything, amnesia. How I wouldn't mind it because maybe I could start over and not remember anything.

'Cause I'm not fine at all.

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