♡chapter 1 Felendy♡

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Ps Felendy is my ship name for felix x bendy I think its cute ><

Bendys P.O.V

Mmmmmmmmmhf ~ why cant I stop thinking about . . .Felix♡ ~
Just the way he always looks at me with that smile I wish I knew how he really felt about me. Ugh! Why am I always thinking about you!!! It really dosent help my sleep either.

*sigh* maybe I could get my mind off it with a walk by the town river theres always been a nice tree there were I loved to just sit and think. Listen to the birds and the nice calming sounds. Somtimes I see felix there too usually working on some kind of sketch or story.

Felix P.O.V

I was sitting on one side of the tree looking over to the river at times just spacing off as I gaze at the beauty and calmness of it. Ozzy was the one thing on my mind. Yesterday we were just chilling at the forest nere by and talking about how are lives have been ever sence a few months ago when we finally got the ink machine fixed and running. im just so glad bendys alright now such the poor thing with all he had to go though befor that.

Just the one thing I cant stop thinking about is how Oswald hugged me before we went back to our own places. The way he held me and just fit his warm handsome face between my neck it just got me thinking and I know we've been friends for awhile now but . . what if . . . what if he feels the same way I do. ~

Bendys P.O.V

Ok ive finally gotten to the river. I walk to the side were I usually sit and go to sit down and lay my hand on somthing soft and warm. it feels so familiar. I feel it move as I get my whole body down on too the damp late night grass. I look over to see what it was just to see two deep geen eyes staring back at me. "F-Felix? Is that really you?"
. . . I start to feel my face getting warmer as my chest seemed to sink down into my stumick. "B-Bendy oh, oh my gosh its acully you!" I get pulled in and hugged very tightly. but it didnt hurt if anything it made me feel warm inside.

I never thought I would be abal to see him ever again and I swor to myself if I ever did no more playing just friends. I tell him how ive been feeling ever sence I first met him. After he let go of the tight squeeze. I felt so happy I felt tears start to run down my hot face. "No Bendy dont cry im sorry was that to tight!? Sorry I just missed you so much!" "No no I-im fine ~" it felt so odd just sitting there crying for no reason but it seemed to make me feel better. pluss Felixs warm embrace pulling me in and trying to cumfort me so I would stop crying.

I woke up in Felixs arms. at first I couldn't figure out why I was here. was this a dream? Then I remembered what happened last night I must have fallen asleep after crying so much. I decided to just lay there still well Felix lay next to me sound asleep. The river looked so nice in the mornings. the orange and still a little purple sunrise reflecting off the river and on to the clouds and quiet sky. So beautiful.

But what was more atractive was the cat behinde me. I wonder if he remembered spooning me in his sleep. It was nice thinking about what if we were a couple. And how we would snuggle echother and kiss echother on beautiful mornings exactly like this one. "Oh felix" I sighed "I wish we could be somthing more" ♡

Chapter 1 done I hope you enjoyed ^3^

♡Somthing More♡ A Bendy Felix And Oswald Story ~Where stories live. Discover now