♡Chapter 12 Felendy &Ozzix♡

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That night 9:46PM

Bendys P.O.V

I finally got all my stuff packed and ready to go. I checked back in and I was surprised that Oswald and Felix were the only ones who wanted to come with. Even Boris wanted to stay with the cupbros instead of coming along. And well Mickey and the others still needed to keep the circus going with Oswald or not. Ozzy also decided that the journey would be to dageruse for the little children so they were going to stay with Mickey too. I walked out to the tree were we all dicided we were going to meet then waited. {not the same tree by the river its one really huge one on the outskirts of town in the town forest} I heard a rummage in the bushes near by then a faint voice.

"Hello? Felix or Ozzy is that you?" . . . I waited hesitating still no answer. Who or what could it have been? I walked up very very slowly cautious of what ever could happen there was another small russle in the bush so I got a nother small bit closer. "Is that you Felix or Ozzy cmon now show your self if you are." . . .

"Howdy there and nope its not Felix or Oswald its ya girl Sheba just pissing in a bush so dont mind me!" My hart was pounding now I thought I was going to die. "The fuck dont scare me like that!" "Wow real suddle entrance right there Shebs."*sarcasm* "hey now are you ok Bendy did she acully scare you?" "Yes!" "Hah haaaaaaaa!!!" "Oh cmon sheba did you really have to do that? Oh and also is it ok if shes along too?" "Oh well sure but aslong as she doesn't do that again." "Heh haaaa but it was quite pricless if you ask me ha!" "Mmmmf! Keep her under control ok." "Well thats pretty much what I do most of the time anyway. keep her out of trouble."

"Hey now Feels dont be taking all the credit I keep you out of trouble all the time too." "Yeah yeah I know but still." "Hey guys sorry im here too now. I just needed to get the kids asleep. they were really sad that I was going to be gone for so long but im sure there be just fine with Mickey and the others." "Aaaaw well I hope there fine aswell." *hugzzz ♡* Felix hugged Oswald in close then let go and smiled big. "Heh cutie ~♡" Felix blushed snuggling in closer to Oswald again.

"Aaaaaaaah! I ship so hard right now! ♡3♡" Sheba squealed. "Ok love birds lets atleast wait to find a place to stay and camp for the night then we can flirt and snuggle ~" "Bendy shoosh ~" we set off and went a few more towns away then we expected But we got tierd as hell so it didnt matter anyway sence we defently wert going to go any further. "Well were staying here for the night." "Finally I am so sooooo sleepy right now. ~_~" Everyone else set out there sleeping bags then seemed to fucking die the next second. "Wow you guys sure were tierd heh ~" I whispered. "*Yooooong ~* ah I really should get some sleep too."

I dozed off looking up at the stars shining almost brighter then the moon its self. It seemed to light up the sky like morning so beautiful and calming. I fell asleep just like that but saw then a figure. it seemed to be prancing and dancing around. I heard laughter and drums rithumed to the movments of there body. I whondered who they were so I tryed to move closer but then they fell to the ground seeming to melt into the backround now turning pitch black and red what was this were they ok. A image came again of me and Felix. It also seemed to fade away then I hear faint worried yelling and screams. But what scared me the most is that I say my self then just laying there in a place of blakness yet so loud. I was mealted away to were you could even start to see bones and blood.

All my friends were else were haveing fun and laughing watching and dancing along too the same dancer as I saw befor. but they were diferent this time you could tell there were light lilac scarfs raped gently all over her and a loug skirt with extra cloth flying and dancing around draped carefully and beautifully. I looked Felix was so much more diferent but yet the same he was much older now and dancing with Oswald they were having so much fun and kissing on eachother.

I was still there barly holding on still feeling the agonizing pain of melting every last drop. F-Felix why did you le-eave me to this AHHHHH!!¡ ¡ ¡!

Chapter 12 done . . . To be continued

♡Somthing More♡ A Bendy Felix And Oswald Story ~Where stories live. Discover now