♡chapter 10 Felendy♡

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Bendys P.O.V

"B-Bendy!?" I herd Felix starting to worry. It sounds like he was in the kitchen. "Hey Feels you ok in there?" "Bendy your ok! Wait ok ok tell me the truth about this please! You have to!" "Uuuum ok hey are you sure your fine Felix it looks like your about to cry what happened?" "Just tell me the truth and itll be fine do you still have the ink illness?!" "The fuck! Uum why are you even asking me that? hun im alright the ink machine really helped ok. im just fine. now I can live a long beautiful life without the pain and all the worry of whats going to happen. Im not going to die dont worry. atleast hopefully not heh. ~"

"Bendy! Dont joke about that kind of stuff! you know im worried about you. I never want to see you hurt." He hugged me placing his forehead on mine "Gee thanks dad *pfft*" "Bendy stop it!" "Sorry sorry that was mostly because of Cuphead." "Uh hah sure blame it on Cuphead." "Ok I am sorry ill stop though" "*huff* good" *kiss ~♡* I kissed his cheek and he pulled back and blushed hard. "Now is when ill stop"

Felixs P.O.V

I let go of him and then walked over to were the couch was. I thunked down onto the light gray sofa. It could probably hold up to 4 people on it and there was a little waer on it. Oh! I just remembered the note Bendy gave me. I should read it now shouldent I.

Dear Felix

    I love you very much and Its just I got jealous when you kissed oswald like that because I thought you loved me and only me. Im sorry I really should have known though you always looked at him like that but I was to dumb to catch on. I just hope we can still have a relationship though I still have such huge feelings for you and im so so sorry for yelling at you. Please forgive me Felix ♡

Sincerely Bendy

Oh I better write back though. oh wait! Im in his home hes only in the next room "Bendy can you come here real quick" "whata ya say babe? ~" "*huff* Honey please come here" "ok im coming" he walked out of the kitchen and proped his body up against the wall and smirked "sooooo what do you need hun ~" "for you to come here not just in the doorway im sorry but come here" "yeah yeah im coming over. What is it anyway hun?"

"Ok so I read the letter you gave me and I just wanted to talk and well tell you my feelings too I guess" "ovcorse I really do hope your feeling cool with me and you dont well.  . hate me right now. But dont tell me what I want to hear. tell me your legitimate feelings! what you aculally feel."

"Ok well I have had a really big crush on Oswald. Ive had it for a long time and hes just now getting into me too so I didnt really expect you to love me. I love you too very much! And I mean your nerdy, cute, loving, chill, and so handsome as well ~♡" he was smiling very big and blushing as if he was kinda shy agian. "Still its just hard because I love you and I love Ozzy! So its just I want you to be as happy as you can be but I also dont want to let down Ozzy anymore than he already has"

I felt kinda empty now thinking back to when Oswald first saw me with Bendy. He was so sooo upset. He must have felt hartbrocken as well. And I oh shit! I left out of nowhere in the middle of us snuggling just because I felt bad for Bendy. But I feel bad for Oswald. But Bendy and Oswald well he AHH! I cant even think right now without freaking out from all my feelings. "Felix you ok hun?"

Bendy was curled up next to me. holding my hand and looking up at me concerned. "Oh um yeah its just I have a lot on my mind right now" Bendy hesitated "well you can lay your head on my lap and rest if youd like" "okay that sounds nice" I scooched over and then went to lay down while Bendy got cumfturbule. He was smiling so gently I felt so lightweight agian like I was flying high. I loved this feeling and its always what I have felt with Bendy. it was so lovely.

"Hey Bendy the bacon soups almost done! would you maybe like to invite some people over? I acidently made a huge batch this time around." "Hmm well Cupheads already here so we could invite Mugman a-" "Already here! Hi!" "What the fuck how long have you been here for?" "Oh ive just been here helping Boris with cooking ive been here for awhile. also I came with my bro but you mite not have noticed." "oooh okay thats what happened."

"Wait were is cuphead? I thought he left." "Well sorry for the let down but im still here Felix." "Oh sorry! Hi Cuphead." "ya know you can call me Cuppy. im fine with it and we've been friends for awhile now anyway." "Awww Cuppy so you want him to call you by your cute little nickname. ~" "Oh shut up Bends. ~"

"heh fine anyway who else is there? Oh! What if we Invite Mickey and the others over." "Yeah that sounds cool! Here ill go call to invite them k." "Okay Boris try not to be a nervous rek while talking to him this time heh." "Oh shut up I got this!"

Oswalds P.O.V

I was watching the news with the others. We were still trying to think of what we wanted to eat for lunch. "Ill be in the bathroom guys." "K mick." *ring ring* "oh the phone! Here I can get it." "No you go to the bathroom I got it." "Oh okay thanks Ozzy."

"Hello? This is Oswald." "Oh hey Oswald! Its Boris!" "Hello Boris so how have you been?" "Well we were wondering if you guys wanted to come over for lunch or not." "Well we were all just thinking of what to eat and I think we will I just gotta ask." I turned over to Donald "hey wanna go over to Bendys for lunch?" "Well whats there to eat?" "Well ill ask real quick ok. Hey Boris what are we going to eating?" "Oh well ovcorse bacon soup as the main dish but if youd like somthing else we can probly think somthing up for you."

"I havent had that in awhile I wanna try that ok thanks one sec. Hey Donald its bacon soup but you can have somthing else if you want." "Oh yeah I havent had that in forever. Hmmm fuck it lets go." "Well we gotta ask Mick, Goof, the Children, And Orte- I-I mean thats all yeah sorry. Hey um sorry Boris I gotta go but im pretty sure well be over in a little thanks for inviting us." "Well yes ovcorse and ill see you in a bit I do hope. Bye!" "Bye Boris." *beep-* ok well lets just wait and see what happens.

Chapter 10 done hope you enjoyed >♡<   sorry it took awhile to upload again ~ but anyway Byea ♥

♡Somthing More♡ A Bendy Felix And Oswald Story ~Where stories live. Discover now