♡Chapter 13 Felendy♡

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Bendys P.O.V

I woke up dazed and confused. Also very sweaty. Felix was trying to shake me awake "Bendy hey wake up!" "Wha? What happened?" "I dont know but you were crying really hard and yelling. I thought you were awake but it seemes you were asleep. Are you ok though? What were you dreaming a bought that made you so upset?!" "I cant even remember I think it was you and me and there was Oswald some dancer of some sort and all this noise. I dont know it was really stressful though." I did start to remember all of it but I just didnt want to worry Felix any more. "Ok well luckally it was just a dream so your safe with me. And of course Oswald and Sheba."

I snuggled into his arms. There were so warm and comforting. What if that was what was going to happen in the future. I sure hope not scene it only looked around 20-25 years away. What if I did die? would people be fine without me around? Or would they be so sad they wouldent even know what to do with there selves? I didnt know but I knew it sure wasent something I needed to think about right now.

"Hey Felix what do you think we will be doing today?" "Well I was thinking we could go into the town right there and see if we can find a coffee shop to go to for breakfast. What do you think about that?" "Well yeah that sounds good im really hungry right now heh ~" "Well lets head then because im very hungry as well." "Ok ill go get my pants on." "Wait were did your pants go? dude." "Oh shut up it was more comfortable ok Feels." "Yeah ok I get that but it was still cold as hell last night soo." "Eh it was still pretty comfy also hell is the exact opposite of cold. Well aculy it maters what your hell is." "Umm how did putting on your pants turn into a conversation about hell?"

"Eh who nows. Anyway I would like to get headed now that im ready." "Ok lets go the-" "I coght breakfast!" I turned around and Sheba was holding a huge Bass bare in her hands. She was squeezing it hard so she could keep a grip on it. It seemed to also be sucking the life out of the poor thing aswell. "Kriky that Bass sure is a huge one but still Sheba theres a coffee shop just a little ways away from here so we don't really need that for breakfast but it looks delicious for lunch or so." "Ok so were keepen it well gotta kill it all the way then." "Oh jeez you always have to do this with your catches dont ya." She set the fish down on a huge rock then picked up a pretty good sized rock and smashed it down onto the huge fishes head.

"Welp its dead now all we gotta do is putt it in somthin so it dosent get all dirty." I went over to look in my bag and there wasn't much but there was a big plastic bag. "Here use this Sheba." "Oh thanks Feels!" She took the bag then picked up the fish and putt the huge fish into the bag. The Bass was probably around 17 inches long and 4 1/2 inches thick. Like a said a beast of a fish.

Oswalds P.O.V

What the fuck even just happened. Anyway as long as I get my latè im good. "Wait did anyone bring money?" Sheba concerned. "I have a few $20's I dont know if anyone else has anything though." "Oh I think I have some change in my pockets." "I brought around $53 dollars just in case." "Thats how much you bring just for emergency!?" "Well yeah being a Mechanic pays well ok." "Ok sorry guys I freaked out cause I thought I forgot my $5 anyway what were ya guys sayin?" "Oh nothing ~" we all sighed in a little irritation.

When we got there we saw pictures all over the ways of art and just simple paintings. We all sat at a little table and added up all the money that we did have. I had exactly $60.26, Bendy had exactly $54.10, Felix $2.34, and of corse Sheba came out to just $5.00. Yay time for maaaaaaaaath! Oof anyway it all came out to $121.70. Oh and also we dicided it would be more fare if we split it up 4 ways so we all had around the same amount sooooooo More math!!! Yaaaaay! Anyway agian we all now had $30.41 in are pockets. Ok im done with math now sorry TwT

Felixs P.O.V

The coffee shop didnt have many people but us. There was what looked to be a old little couple and a tall fenek fox looking woman. She must have been sketching or writing somthing in her small pink and black notepad. She set down her pen then looked out the window and had a sip of her drink. "Hey can I help you guys at all yet? Id be happy too but it's totally fine if youd like some more time." "Oh uh! sorry I was kinda spacing off but umm yes that would be geat. I think ill get a hot coffee just with a little bit of cream." "One hot coffee coming right up sir!" "Thankyou."

All the others ordered as well then Bendy came running back too me. *hugzzz ~♡* "heh he I love you Feels." "Oh I love you too Bendy little cutie heh ~ anyway whats got you in such a good mood? ~" "I dont know I just want to snuggle with you ~♡" "even if theres people looking?" "Wait how many people are looking!?" "Just me heh heh." "You ass! you scared me I thought there were acully a bunch of people starting. Dont do that Cuppy you know I- Wait Cuphead!?!?" "Yo." "Wait wait when the fuck did you come here?" "Eh I thought you guys would be here and plus this place makes the best coffee ive ever had. Also Your bro wanted to check on you so they came too." "Ok but how many people do you mean by "they"?" "Well Mugs, Boris, Mick, Donald, Goof, the children, and me." "Oh jeez ok well I guess we got more people than we expected Feels." "*sigh* I guess so heh heh ~"

Cuphead told all the others so that were all caught up. "But wait were are they?" "Oh there just walken around town and getting to know the place. For some of them its there first time here but yeah." "Well I hope they dont get lost." "I doght they will. Mickey knows his way around here. So does Donald and Goofy. They'll be fine im sure."

Chapter 13 done hope you enjoyed ^w^

♡Somthing More♡ A Bendy Felix And Oswald Story ~Where stories live. Discover now