♡chapter 4 Bendystaw♡

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Bunnie859 go check meh friendo out too shes really nice 0w0

Mugmans P.O.V

I looked over by the river and saw mickey with Oswald crying in his arms. Felix was also crying and snuggled up next to Oswald and his brother. "What in the hell happpened here?!" "Wait mugs!?" "Boris? boris! Hey what in the world is happening?!" "I dont really know much but I woke up and Bendy wasnt there. so Mickey and I went to go look for him and we saw oswald Felix and bendy all just freaking out. Oswald was crying really hard and so was felix. Bendy and Felix were argueing but then Bendy was yelling at Felix and it just got too much. Then Bendy ran off. Do you know if hes ok have you seen him he ran this way!?"

"Hey hey hey listen just calm down a little. the stress is just getting to you." I pulled him in and hugged him tight well rubbing the back of his head "here lets just show the others your fine then we can head back with Cuphead k" "o-okay" we got the others atection and told them were we were heading and mickey said hopefully after he got all this calmed down he could come to check on Bendy and us too.

We were almost to the Hospital now and Boris seemed very nervous. "I really do hope that my bro's ok" "hes gonna be just fine trust me I mean if he can deal with that horible illness he will be fine with this. Trust me"

Cupheads P.O.V

you idiot always getting yourself hurt and makeing me have to see you like this. Ive almost lost you too many times. I-I just feel some weird kind of way about you all the time. you make me feel warm and calm. Fuck  .   .   . Am I gay for you 0\\\0 ♡? My hart startes to feel as if it was flouting far up into the clouds and just stayed there thumping in the calm surondings of the sky. Untill I remembered the one I felt this way about was hurt I was in front of them just acting like I didn't even give a shit. Oh Bendy I hope youll be fine.

"Ssssssah Fuck my h-head w-what happened!? And were am I?" "Bendy!" I pulled him in and hugged him tightly.

Bendys P.O.V

I started remembering what had happened befor well Cuphead was pulling me in close. I remembered how awful I must have made Felix feel. My face became red at the thought I wanted to cry but I noticed Cuphead pulled me in even closer and placed his face between my neck. I noticed he was blushing. He kissed my neck then kissed it agian. "C-Cuppy? What are you doing?" I blushed a dark dark red as he continued "Bendy I think I like you" >\\\\<♡

"C-Cuppy?!" "Sorry! I can stop"  .  .  . "No its fine its just I didnt know you felt this way about me.   .   . I kinda feel the same honestly" we look into each others eyes and I pull him In to kiss him. He was so warm on top of me. same with his lips. warm and soft. Somhow Felix's were softer though.

ugh how could I think about Felix right now when I know he is probly with that rabbit right this minute kissing all over him. probly not even thinking about us and how we kissed just like around an hour ago. "Hey you ok Bends? W-we should probly stop shouldn't we" "yeah sorry its just im thinking about other things now. It was nice though" I saw Cuphead blush harder and then try to hide his face. "Hey are being all cute now ~" I say kissing him on the cheek again. "Stop ~ ok seriously though I gotta go to the bathroom so stop it for a minute" "okay ill be here waiting ~ ♡" I saw him become a dark sade of red as he walked out of the room.

Chapter 4 done this was kinda for my friend Bunnie859 please do go check her out it would be greatly appreciated anyway hope you enjoyed ÒwÓ ♡

♡Somthing More♡ A Bendy Felix And Oswald Story ~Where stories live. Discover now