♡chapter 8 Felendy♡

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Felixs P.O.V

It was so nice in his room it looked pretty clean. It smelled like sandle wood witch was very calming and nice aswell. I saw a paper sticking out of his bedside drawer. I whonder. I know I shouldnt be rumiging through his stuff but I was still very curious. I went to look but No I shouldn't! I stoped myself and just lay there looking at the ceiling. I tryed imagining if there was just the sky and nothing else above me. All the fluffy clouds and and deep blue beautiful sky. Deep blue just like Ozzys beautiful dreamy eyes.

"Hey is this fine Feels?" I snaped out of it and looked to see Bendy handing me a dark dark green mug with little leaf patterns all around it. It must be the tea. I sat up and grabbed the mug "thank you Bendy boo ~" I looked back at him blushing trying to hide it with his shirt. All it was doing was showing off his torso a little though

"hice bod hun~" "Stooooooop! Mmmf" he was shoving his face into his pillow now. "Heh ha sorry its just your so cute like this." I snuggled my face up on his solder while laying back down. I rubbed my hand on the side of his head. he finally was not blocking his face and I on top of him "F-Felix what if Boris walks in?" I snuggled up in his neck "trust me he won't" *giggle* "A-are you sure." "Just shush and stay here ill take it from there k Hun" "o-okay"

It seemed he started to enjoy me snuggling and kissing all over him but then. *knock knock* "hey uh Bends can I come in? Its Cuphead by the way." "Oh um 1 didnt expect you to come over um!" "sooooo I cant come in?" "Im really really sorry but not right now just could it maybe be in a few hours or tonight I think would work too." "but I kinda wanted to talk now." "ok Cuppy give me a sec."

Bendys P.O.V

I had been putting my shirt on while we were talking just in case. So all that was left is to do two and now one little button. Ok "sorry Feels ~ I-it was fun though ~" *wink* I whispered. "Sorry Cuppy im here now" I pulled him in and hugged him tight. "Wait oh um hi Felix uuuh." "Oh cmon you dont have any other nicer way to greet me" *smirk* "im just kidding im fine. hey sorry bends but I gotta go talk to boris about something" *wink wink* "you fine just staying here with Cuppy?" *wink wink* "ok stop and yeah im good" *wink wink* "heh  oh wait! Dont for get your tea." "Im geting it dont worry I bet it will be great!" he sipped it *wink*

"uuuum that was only 1!?" "oh cmon you know what that means then." "Ah just stop and gooo!" "Ok ok sorry im going" I shut the door and looked back at Cuppy. He was blushing a bright red and it seemed he had been staring at me till I tured around. cuz he looked away and snuggled his face lower to his nees up to were his chin was.

"Hey soooo whats wrong?" "I l-love you Bendy.    .     . And I just wanna know whats happening and if its even worth telling you all this shit" "C-Cuppy" I was blushing now. And Cuppy became a brighter sade of blush. "I .      .       ."

Chapter 8 done hope you enjoyed °^° ♡ sorry it is kinda short im just now getting to bed so yeah its 10:32 PM right now for me.

♡Somthing More♡ A Bendy Felix And Oswald Story ~Where stories live. Discover now