The Strange new lands

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I wake up bound in rope being dragged by horses my head hurts like crazy and being dragged doesn't help. I look around and to what I could see everyone was here but Mitch. I pull against the ropes but to do nothing they are to tight. We stop and they get us up and when they see I am awake they take me somewhere else away from everyone and tie me to a chair. They start asking me questions like where we came from and if we where to threaten the Empire I had no clue what they where talking about I even told them that but that didnt believe me. To my surprise the others had said I was there leader even though I am the youngest of all of use at the age of 16 after like 10 more minutes they put me back with everyone. Once they leave I yell "WHY DID U GUYS SAY I WAS THE LEADER" they respond we didnt know what they would do if we where so we just decided to say you where I say ok but when we break out you guys need to listen ok they all agree to my surprise.

Mitch's P.O.V. Starts before I woke

Mitch wakes up in the middle of a dirt rode he doesnt know where he is and doesnt want to wait and find out he spottes a group of 6 or 7 horse men in black armor with a red tunic on over the armor with a wierd symbol and he doesn't think they are nice so he goes off to the side of the road and hides in a bush. Right after he hides Adam wakes up and some of the horse men dismount and walk up to him one on either side of him so he cant run they search him and then ask him questions Mitch is trying to figure out what they are saying but he is to far way and all this time Mitch is thinking is please dont let them see me please dont let them see me but they move off and Mitch slowly (because he doesnt have a horse) but surely follows not to close so so he isn't seen.

Levi's P.O.V. Starts back a few hours later

I am pacing back and forwards across the room just waiting for somethig else to happen right then there is screaming and the sound of metal against metal and arrows flying through the air the cell door is busted open and someone says we are here to help we say thanks and follow him and thankfully we get out of the town alive. Once clear of the havoc we stop to ask the man his name but he say before we can say anything this young man found us outside of the town and we have been dyeing to kill some of Galbatorixes men we thank him and ask where the young man is and Mitch comes running up and hugs everyone and askes if we are alright everyone answers yes so we follow the strange man to a camp he say they have a couple milles away so we begin hiking once more. During that time we all catch up on everything that happened to us when we where separated from Mitch and everyone is starting to get hungry when we arrive at the camp the man say welcome to the Vardin. We all look around and are a signed tents for the night. We are right beside each other the people in the tents are Jerome, Mitch and I (Levi) and then Adam and tyler in one so the man finally say his name and I didnt catch it because I wasnt paying attention and I ask if anyone else heard and they didnt either and Tyler hasn't been much help since we got here he was been out of it since we entered but we are all hoping he will be fine soon.

~~~~~~~~~~ Hey guys comment bellow on if u want the P.O.V. to be mostly Levi's because I will probably do that unless u guys dont want me to and Idk when I will be making pages but I will hopefully do one everyday or every other day and tell me if I miss spelled something it will help thanks and enjoy reading~~~~~~

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