Chap. 2

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     First day of training. Gonna nail it.

     I walk into the training center and look around. Not to bad. I walk over to the knot tying station and grab a rope. I tye multiple knots in it. After that I head over to the bow and arrow station. I take the bow and the arrow. Wish and Ethan--the two tributes from District 1-- watch me closely. I knock the arrow, pull it back with two fingers, focus on the bullseye, and release the arrow. I watch it fly through the air as it hits the the target. At least I was close to the bullseye.

     Wish notices something that catches her eye and runs over to it while Ethan nods at me aprovaling then walks off.

     I get in line behind a few other people at the dagger station. This is one I've been waiting for! Then I remembered Christan telling me to wait to do that until we have private practices.

     I step out of the line. I see Ethan standing behind someone in a line. I grin evilly. I slowly and carefully grab his staff and climb the net. Hehehe. This is gonna be fun.

     "Where's my staff?!" I hear Ethan exclaim angrily. "Who the hell took my staff!" I smile wickedly.

     "Cristo, did you take my staff??" He asks the guy behind him.

     "No. I wouldn't touch your ugly staff in a million years!" He snaps.

     Ethan throws a punch but Cristo dodges it. "Give me back the damn staff!"

     Everyone turns to look at the two boys. The Peacekeepers come in and drag them both out. I see a girl with blonde hair and Christan look up at me. I put my index finger to my lips. The both shake their head.


    I walk past the camoflauge station and see the girl from earlier. "How did you do that?" I asks.

     "It's not that hard really," she replies. "Wanna try?"

     I shake my head. "It's to much work to take it off."

     She chuckles. "I'm Selina. You must be Cristali."

     I nod. "How does everyone know my name?" I ask.

     "Word gets around when your the youngest here."

     "I'm the youngest? How old is Wish?"

     "She's fourteen."

    "Oh. What District are you from again?"

     "I'm from 4."

     I nodded. So much for conversation. . . "I'm going to go back to training."

     "Okay, see you later, I guess," she said and went back to what she doing.

     I leave the station and head to a trap one. I set up a trap and move on. What else is there to do? I'm pretty sure I've done all of them already.

     "Training is over!" A Peacekeeper informs us. Just in time. We all head out and go to our dorms.


"Tomorrow is the private training in front of the Gamemakers," Finn says. "I'm going to go talk to your stylist about tomorrow. you two stay here. Have fun!" With that he's out the door.

     We sit there in complete silence. "What does he mean 'have fun'?  There's nothing to do, idiot! So if course we'll 'have fun'."

     Christan shakes his head. "Your not that bad not a thirteen year old."

     "What is that supposed to mean?" I ask getting defensive.

     "I mean, your not snobby like other thirteen year olds back home."

     "Oh. Thank you?"

     "Your welcome."

     More silence.

     "If I don't make, will you make it for me and tell my family that I said that 'I'm always with them' if I die?" I ask.

     "Um, yeah. Yeah, sure. But--"

     "I said 'if'. I didn't say I would," I interupt.

     "That's not what I was going to talk about. How do I find your family?"

     "My brother will probably come up to you at school or something."

     "I saw you earlier today at the bow and arrow station. You were good. Then I saw Wish and Ethan. Don't be their ally. Their not worth your time. Just keep on moving."

     "They seem like nice people though," I say, remembering earlier.

     "They're not nice people, trust me. They'll turn on you like that." He says snapping he fingers.

     "Hmm," I hum.

     "But, you'll make it through without them anyway."

     "I'll probably last a week."

     "I bet you'll make it through."

     "Wanna bet?"

     "Okay. If I win, then. . . Well, I honestly have no idea. Oh! If I win, I'll make sure everyone in District 2 knows that you fought bravely to defend your friends and yourself. If you win you have to do the same."

     "Okay. And, what friends? You're the only friend I have here so far."

     "That's not true. What about that Selina girl?" He points out

     "Oh. Well, I barely know her so I don't know if we're friends."

     There's more silence. Why is this so awkward? The reason why it's awkward is because he's going to kill me in two days! Great. Now I'm talking to myself. The delusions are happening! Take cover!!!

     A few minutes later Finn comes back in along with Opal. "By tomorrow you two will be charming!" She says, and spins with her arms out wide.

     "What are we wearing?" I ask.

     "That's a suprise! Now, go get some sleep!" She says. "We have a big day ahead of us!"

     How long does it take to get ready for an interview? Couldn't take that long. . . Right?


There was alot of drama going on today but I'm not going to say anything about it so....

Will she make it through the Games? Will her and Christan be friends or enemies--actually...yeah. Will they be friends or enemies????


Kk. Bai! See ya in next chapter!








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