Chap. 4

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     I jolt up in my bed and look around the room. I see Freda, my stylist, standing at the side of my bed. "What happened?" I ask.

     "You were having a bad dream," she says. "Come on. Let's get you ready for the private training."

     "Private training?" I ask confused.

     "Yeah. Every Tribute has to show off in front of the Gamemakers," Freda reminds me.

     "Oh yeah."

     I get out of bed and hop into the shower while Freda gets my clothes ready from yesterday. I turn off the shower and get out wrapping a towel around myself. I step out the bathroom.

     "Here are your clothes. Don't worry, I already washed and dryed them while you were showering," Freda says.

     I nod. She helps me get ready and pulls my red hair back into ponytail. We both head out to the small living room. Christan, Finn, and Opal are already there.

     "You guys ready to show the Gamemakers who's boss?" Finn asks excitedly. For someone who's--what? Thirty?--he's very energetic. Christan and I nod. "Then let's go!" See?

     We follow him out of the room and to the elevator. Once we reach the training room, we wait outside.

     After Ethan leaves, it's my turn to go in. Christan wishes me good luck and I take in a deep breath. I can do this. No one else can tell me otherwise. Let's do this.

     I walk into the Training Room and see the Gamemakers in their usal spot sitting down. The head of them shuses them. They all turn their attention to me.

     I swallow. Okay. I got this. No need to get nervous. Right? I walk over to where the daggers and knives are and grab three of them. I walk over to the targets that are shaped like people. I take a deep breath before throwing one hitting it in the head. I throw the second and hit it in the arm. Third times the charm. I throw the third one and hit the target in the heart.

     I hear the Gamemakers mumur amongst themselves quietly. I smile with satisfaction. Score! I grab another dagger and head to the next target hitting it near the heart. Third; in the head.

     I head over to the bow and arrows and grab the bow and an arrow. I knock the arrow, pull the string back, and release it hitting it in the head. The Gamemakers mumur again. Guess this is going better then I planned it to. . .

     The Gamemakers walk over to a table with a feast on it. I watch them before knocking another arrow. I put the bow back in its place. I walk over to the net made out of rope and climb the rope leading up to it. I slowly climb onto it and moving across it slowly. A Gamemaker points up at me and the others look up to watch.

     I carefully and slowly make me way across the wobbly net. Half way there the net flips over. Seriously? Why now?  The Gamemakers watch me even more closely, whispering to each other. I try to keep moving forward but end up loosing my grip and fall. It take a couple of moments until I hit the ground. I wince in pain grabbing my leg. Please don't be broken. I sit up and slowly stand up. I start walking to see if my leg is broken. Nope. Perfectly fine.

     I hear the Gamemakers laugh when I hold my leg in pain.

     I roll my eyes. "You guys are jerks! How can you be laughing at me when I nearly broke my leg? Don't you guys still need me for the Games? I can't participate with a broken leg, you know. What am I supposed to do? Walk around with crutches for the whole two weeks? How would you feel if I laughed at you guys when you fell from a long enough height to where you nearly break you leg?"

     I walk towards the door. "Have a nice day." I say before opening it and walking out.


Heyo!! ^-^

This might be a short story since it's so close to getting into the Arena so....yep.

Tough for the Gamemakers. Cristali just gave them a piece of her mind!

So yeah. See you in the next chapter!



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