Chapter 13

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Y/N's P.O.V

After me and Sarah ate dinner we watched like 15 different movies before going to sleep. I ended up waking up early because of Sarah's phone ringing. I rolled my eyes at her as she stayed sleep. I reached over her and grabbed her phone and answered it.

Y/N: "Hello."

???: "Hello?"

Y/N: "Yes who is this?"

Emily: "My name is Emily may I speak to Sarah?"

Y/N: "Yeah wait one sec." I started shaking Sarah and shouting her name. Then I hit fuck it and just pushed her off the bed.

Sarah: "WHAT THE FUCK Y/N?!"

Y/N: "Someone's on the phone for you." I said very innocent like. She just rolls her eyes and grabs the phone.

Sarah: "Hey Clay we can't meet today." Why would she think it was Clay? I didn't even know they were close.

Sarah: "Oh you. Well goodbye now." Then she just hangs up the phone.

Y/N: "Well get up we're going shopping." She hops up like she wasn't ever tired and grabs some of my clothes. I do the same and then grab my keys and we head out. We have breakfast at IHop and then we head straight to our favorite mall. We walk into a store with some amazing clothes. It was a male clothing store but they still had some amazing clothes. As I'm wondering around the store with Sarah trailing me mad annoyed. As I'm about to grab something another hand goes for it. I look up to see this well built guy, black messy hair, hazel eyes, and tall. He's not Japanese I know that much so I speak English to him.

Y/N: "Hey um ladies first so give up the jacket." Sarah peeks over at my shoulder to look at the guy.

Sarah: "Let's let the nice man have the jacket."

Tyler: "Sarah?"

Sarah: "Tyler." She says with pain in her voice. A girl rounds the bend and puts her arm over the guy's shoulder. I can tell they are siblings.

Emily: "Sarah?" The girl's eyes are wide with excitement.

Sarah: "Emily." She says the girl's name with venom. As I'm about to say something my phone rings. I answer it and yank the jacket out of the guy's hand.

Y/N: "How the hell did you get my number?" I pass the jacket to Sarah and give her my card. She runs to the register and the guy follows her. The girl stays back and just looks at me.

Kou: "Hacked Azusa's phone."

Y/N: "You creep." I start walking towards Sarah and the girl breaks out of her trance and runs after her brother. I hand the phone to Sarah and grab the jacket and my card. The guy keeps on trying to get the jacket, but I just end up paying for it and sticking my tongue at him. His shoulders drop in defeat and I take my phone back.

Y/N: "Kou I'll call you back."

Kou: "Really?"

Y/N: "Yes Kou don't call me I will call you." With that I hang up and look at Sarah.

Sarah: "Their people I know from America." I then look at them the guy still sulking over the jacket.

Y/N: "As payment for taking such a good jacket from you I will buy you lunch sound good?" He looks up at me a smile on his face.

Tyler: "Sounds good to me."

Y/N: "In the mean time I wanna get to know you and your sister. Sarah never talks about y'all." Sarah's mouth drops open as I walk away the guy following me like a lost puppy, and the girl trailing behind. Sarah jogs to catch up and just looks at me and I ignore her.

Y/N: "Not changing my mind."


Well this is going to be an awkward lunch. Come back next Sunday to see it unfold!

The King and The Peasant- Kou Mukami x Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now