Chapter 3

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When we got back to the hotel, I took a shower and went to bed. It was a long day of walking around and shopping. While shopping I was talking to my mom on how happy I was to finally be in Nashville. We also fought a bit, but we always fight when we shop together. Anyway.... I went to sleep at 12 after I spent like an hour on twitter mostly tweetin about Jacob and to Jacob.

*******The Next day!!!😄😂😂******

I woke up to my mom sayin "Kassidy, you're phone is blowin up." So I jumped up and got my phone to see if it was because of twitter.... But NOPE it was because I was stuck in a group message with my friend Brianna, this other girl and that girls crush, and another guy. So that wasn't a fun way to wake up. 😒

So I turned my Do Not Disturb on and just went into twitter because I didn't want to deal with the two "love birds".

It was 8 am so I decided to get ready for the day. I wore my favorite outfit of all time. My black vans, black jeans, a hot pink tank, and a black and white crop top. I know what y'all are thinkin "why are you wearing black jeans in the middle of June? That's so stupid!" I know it's stupid but I don't care. I'm not gonna be one of those girls that wear short shorts everywhere. So I wear jeans in the summer, it's my decision. Anywho, when I was done gettin dressed I did my hair and make up and by that time my mom was done gettin ready. so we went downstairs to get breakfast.

After breakfast we went to the Grand Ole Opry and then the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum.

While at the Country Music Hall of Fame, we saw someone that I recognized and so did my mom. It was Mama Whitesides!!!

I was like OMG!!!! And my mom was like I know her.

"How do you know jacob whitesides mom?" I asked.

"We went to high school together." She said.

"That tiny high school you went to?" I asked.

"Yeah. "

"The high school with like 300 kids in it?"


"And she was one of those 300?!"

"Yeah. We used to be really good friends but then she moved away and we lost contact. "

"Aw that's sad. We should go over there and see if she remembers you."

"She probably doesn't. Do you know how long ago that was? A long time ago."

"I know but if you remembered her, she might remember you. Cause you don't have the greatest memory." I said.

"You know what, you're right. We should go over there and see if she remembers me."

"And if she doesn't we can always say my reason of knowing who she is."

"What is that reason?" My mom asked.

"You'll find out."

"Okay let's go."

So we walk over and she remembered my mom. We all went and sat down at a bench they have in the museum and we just talked. My mom and Becky got caught up on their lives and then I made the bold decision and asked "Can I get a picture with you?"

Both my mom and Mama Whitesides said "what?" At the same time.

"Well umm, I'm a huge fan of your son, so I wanted to get a picture of me and you to be able to post on twitter and be like Jacob I met your mom before I met you. So yeah." I said kinda awkwardly.

She just started laughing and so was my mom and so was Becky's boyfriend. So I was just standing there awkwardly while the adults just laughed.

I was so confused by what was so funny.

"Why are y'all laughing?" I asked.

"It's just hilarious how you're gonna word it!" Becky said.

"Well how else would I word it?" I asked.

"I don't know, that's just gonna be funny when Jacob sees it." She said.

"If he sees it." I said in a whisper.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"He has a lot of people tweeting him 24/7 it's really hard to get noticed by him." I said.

"Well I will call him and make sure he sees your tweet." She said.

"Oh my gosh thank you." I said.

We took the picture and I promised to post it when I got internet. We all went through the rest of the museum together and even though I was the only teenager, I had fun. We all went to lunch together and that's when my day got even better. Becky got a phone call from Jacob askin her when she was gonna be home cause somethin happened. That's also when I learned somethin.

"Hey Kassidy you seem like a responsible teenager and like you like spending time with little children." Becky said.

"I guess I like spending time with children and yeah I'm responsible. Why?" I said and asked.

"Because I'm going on a vacation with my boyfriend and my friends and I need a babysitter but I don't wanna get a random person that I don't know to do it." She said.

"What about jacob? Wait I though Jacob and Sierra were your only children." I replied.

"I won't trust jacob to take care of children by himself while I'm gone. And I have 2 little ones. Sara who is 3 and John who's 1." She said.

"Oh okay. Well I find that funny that you won't trust jacob. So you want me to babysit then while y'all are gone?" I asked.

"Yes please. You can start whenever y'all are done touring Nashville. It doesn't really matter when we leave." She said.

"Okay well I saw the two places that I've been dying to see today so it's just up to my mom." I said looking at my mom.

"Well I thought we were gonna spend a week here just us, then again if you do this than I won't have to keep spending money on you and I could go back home and pick you up whenever you're done. Kassidy, you can do it. You can even start today." My mom said.

"Well so now it's all up to when y'all are gonna leave." I said lookin back at Mama Whitesides.

"Well I think we should all go to my place and meet jacob and Sierra and Sara and John." She said. We all agreed. So we left the restaurant and went to the Whitesides' house. Today has been awesome and it's only 1pm!


I know it's been a kinda boring start just bear with me. I've been really busy and I know that no one is reading this. So right now I'm just talkin to myself. So if anyone actually does read this, I hope you're enjoying it so far.

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