Prologue: Meeting the Baby Faunus

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is the Prologue to this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"In a village a team is walking back to a cabin that they're staying at as they are done completing a mission and that team is know as CFVY and on that team is Coco Adel, Fox, Velvet, and Yatsuhashi. And accompanying them is (Y/N) (L/N), he is a new student that arrived at Beacon about 6 months ago as they invited him on the mission cause he is dating Velvet. And surprisingly he is human, but he never cared that she's a Faunus......................
Coco: "Finally, this mission is done. We can relax until the Bullhead gets here."
Velvet: "That's only for two of days when it gets here."
(Y/N): "Yeah. But, at least we can definitely relax until then."
Velvet: "Yeah. It's better because *holds his hand* I have you."
(Y/N): "Aw, Velvet."
...................he kisses her forehead as she giggles...................
Coco: "Wow. You two are perfect for each other."
(Y/N): "Y-Yeah."
Velvet: "Coco, try not to make it weird."
Coco: "Alright. Alright."
...................they walk off as they head for the cabin that they're staying at as (Y/N) and Velvet still held hands as they walked there..................

???? P.O.V

...................but unbeknownst to them is that someone was watching them as it's confirmed to be a woman as she is also a rabbit Faunus and in her arms is her 9 month old baby boy. The moment she saw human male and a female Faunus hold hands and that they're from Beacon she felt hope for her son....................
????: "Those two, they're from an academy of huntsmen and huntresses. This is my only chance to keep you safe *looks at her baby* my son."

3rd P.O.V's nighttime as everyone in the cabin is asleep as (Y/N) and Velvet are sleeping together in a bed and the others in different rooms. Outside the cabin the mother is walking to it and she places a basket down and inside the basket is her baby and she places a note with him, then she rubs his head as he looks at her....................
????: "I'm gonna miss you Trent. *starts crying* I will."
..................she kisses his head and she gets up and runs off, Trent reaches for her wanting to be held, but as she disappears from his sight tears appear in his eyes as he cries. And I side the cabin as (Y/N) and Velvet are asleep the cries get louder as Velvet wakes up. Then she rubs her eyes as she looks around, then she looks at (Y/N) as she wakes him up.....................
Velvet: *shakes him gently* "(Y/N), wake up. (Y/N)."
(Y/N): "Huh? *sits up* Velvet, what's wrong?"
Velvet: "I don't know, I heard something."
(Y/N): "What did you..............."
.................he hears the cries as well and he gets outta bed as he walks out and Velvet goes behind him and peeks her head out as they're curious..................
(Y/N): "Velvet, stay here. I'll check it out."
Velvet: "Okay. Be careful."
..................he walks in the living room of the cabin as he looks around, then he looks at the front door as he goes to it and opens the door as he looks out the door, then as he was gonna walk in he hears the cries as he looks down and he sees Trent. Then Trent stops crying as he looks at (Y/N) curiously and it surprised (Y/N)................
(Y/N): (What the? It's a baby?)
...................he grabs the basket as he takes it inside and he placed it on the table as he looks at him, Trent still looks at (Y/N) as he coos and he smiles. (Y/N) smiles as well as he rubs the babies head as he giggles, then Velvet walks in as she saw Trent and her eyes widen as she walks up to them.................
Velvet: "Awww, hello there little one. *looks at (Y/N)* Where'd he come from?"
(Y/N): "He was at the front of the door."
Velvet: "What?"
(Y/N): "I looked outside to see about the noise and the moment I heard it again I see him on the ground. *looks at Trent* He's a cute little guy ain't he?"
Velvet: "Oh, he's so precious. But, why is a baby at the front door?"
.................then Coco walks in as she woke up and she saw (Y/N) and Velvet, but as she walked up to them she saw Trent..................
Coco: "Hey, where'd this little guy come from."
.................then (Y/N) looks at him and he saw a note on his shirt...................
(Y/N): "Hey, there's a note."
..................he take sit and Trent grabbed his hand curiously and (Y/N) smiles at that and he unfolds the note as he reads it:

To the Huntsman and Huntress,

We haven't met, but please I beg you to care of my little boy, I have made some mistakes that put me and him in danger and all I ask of you two is please raise my little boy well. And under his baby hat is his ears, he is a rabbit Faunus as well and I trust you both to take good care of him and raise him. His name is Trent, I know you two will raise him.

.................(Y/N) after he read the note he looks away sad as Velvet gets curious...................
Velvet: "What's the matter (Y/N)?"
(Y/N): "It what was written on this note, the mother wanted you and me to raise him. She made some mistakes that she had no choice, but trust us to raise him well."
Velvet: "Oh my goodness."
Coco: "I guess there's no alternative. You're both gonna have to raise him, but don't worry I'll help as well I'll be a good aunt to him."
Velvet: "I wouldn't mind it."
(Y/N): "Same here."
.................then he reaches for his baby hat and his rabbit ears gets shown and Velvet gets surprised...................
(Y/N): "The note said he's a rabbit Faunus, I guess we could get that outta the way."
Velvet: "I guess I can tell why the mother wanted us to raise him."
..................Velvet tickles him and he reaches to her wanting to be held and she picked him up as eh cradled him and he smiles, then (Y/N) rubs his head as he giggles more and he grabbed (Y/N)'s hand instinctively as (Y/N) smiles. Then Trent's stomach growled as he's hungry as tears appear in his eyes and (Y/N)'s eyes widen as he quickly got dressed in his combat outfit and he ran in town to get the supplies for him as he ran as fast as he can..................
Coco: "Hurry back (Y/N)."
...................Velvet tried to comfort him as he cried, then after an hour (Y/N) returns as he placed the stuff on the table and he starts preparing the bottle and he finally finishes as he takes it to Velvet and she started feeding him as he held it and he drank the milk, (Y/N) sighs in relief...................
(Y/N): "I made it in time."
Velvet: "Yeah. At least this little one can finally relax with a full belly."
Coco: "So, does this little cutie have a name?"
(Y/N): "His name is Trent. It said on the note."
Velvet: "Trent. That's a cute name."
...................then (Y/N) looks at Trent as Velvet continues feeding him and he smiles, then they went back to sleep as (Y/N) and Velvet got in the bed and they placed Trent in the middle as he sleeps peacefully, then (Y/N) and Velvet held hands as they knew ow they're parents to Trent now."

To be continued...............

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

From Couple to Parents Already: Velvet Scarlatina x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now