Chapter 5: Walking Around Beacon with the Little Faunus

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(A/N: Well hello my fellow readers and followers, here is chapter 5 of this story and by the title for his chapter you should know what's going to happen,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"It's been a month since Team CRDL got expelled and everyone is happy for that and when they find out almost every female in Beacon wanted to kill him for insulting a baby, but they're lucky they didn't, and now (Y/N) is in his dorm with Trent as he has his scroll in front of him letting him watch a kid show on his scroll as he laughs at it, Velvet had to go on a mission and (Y/N) is babysitting Trent for the time being. Then he starts thinking about something as he smiles and he looks at Trent as he looks up at him....................
(Y/N): "Hey, Trent how would you like if I took you around Beacon?"
..................he coos as he smiles, then (Y/N) is walking around Beacon while he held Trent and walked around Beacon with him, as he does he gets eyed by everyone as they looked at Trent in his arms.....................
Random Male Student 1: "Hey, isn't that (Y/N)?"
Random Male Student 2: "And where did he get that baby?"
Random Male Student 3: "You don't think he got Velvet pregnant right?"
Random Male Student 4: "Nah, I heard they adopted the baby."
.................he shakes his head as Trent coos and he smiles at him, then he walks past a group of girls as they looked at him.................
Random Female Student 1: "Oh my gosh. Look at that baby."
Random Female Student 2: "Awwwww, he's so cute."
Random Female Student 3: "You don't think him and Velvet had him right?"
Random Female Student 1: "No, I heard they adopted him. He's just so cute."
.................he sees Trent hide his face in (Y/N)'s neck to hide his nervousness as the girls awed at it, then he goes in the courtyard as Trent looks around as his eyes sparkle seeing everything around, then a butterfly flies past him as he reaches for it and it landed on his hand as he looks at it in awe, then (Y/N) sits on a bench as Trent looks at (Y/N) and smiles, then a dark bark is heard as (Y/N) looks with Trent to see Zwei standing next to him..................
(Y/N): "Oh, hey Zwei. *pets him, then he jumps next to him as Trent whines as he looks at him* Trent, this is Zwei. Ruby and Yang's dog, don't be afraid he is really nice."
..................Trent looks at Zwei as they both looked at each other, then Trent reaches for him as he lists him making Zwei ease into it and he licks Trent's face making him laugh, then he sees Team RWBY walk up to him...................
Ruby: "Hey (Y/N). *looks at Trent and kneels to him* Hi Trent."
Yang: "So, what brings you out here?"
(Y/N): "I thought I would show Trent around Beacon, just so he can understand everything around here."
Blake: "Okay."
Weiss: "Well, that is really sweet of you (Y/N)."
...................then Ruby starts playing with Zwei as everyone laughs including Trent, then Zwei then finds a stick on the ground as he picks it up................
Ruby: *pats her legs* "Good boy Zwei. *grabs the stick* Ready? *acts like she throws it* Fetch."
...................he looks behind him trying to find it as everyone laughs and Trent laughs cutely as he claps, then it slowly gets night as (Y/N) is feeding Trent as he drinks the milk. Then he pats his back as he does a little burp, then he places him in his crib as Trent slowly goes to sleep and he yawns as he closes his eyes and he sleep, (Y/N) goes in his bed as he falls asleep as well.................

Timeskip-Next Day

..................(Y/N) is in his dorm with Trent again as he has the baby bunny in the bed as Trent pets it and it snuggles to him as he holds him, then (Y/N) rubs Trent's head as he looks at him. Then he starts cooing as to (Y/N) surprise...............
Baby Trent: "D......D-Dada."
(Y/N): "Wh-What did you say? Did you just say your first word?"
Baby Trent: "Dada, dada, dada, dada."
..................his eyes widen in happiness as he hugs him and he felt Trent hug back, then he hears the door open as he sees Velvet walk in and she smiles at him...............
(Y/N): "Hey, Trent can you guess who's that?"
Baby Trent: *looks at Velvet as he smiles and reaches for her* "Mama."
...................her eyes widen as she ran to him, picked him up and hugged him in happiness hearing him talk, then she sits next to him as she had years in her eyes.................
Velvet: "He said his first words, I'm so happy for you Trent. Mommy is so happy."
(Y/N): "Daddy's also happy Trent, we both are."
....................they looked at each other as they kissed and they felt movement as they see the little bunny sitting between them as he rests on Velvet's lap and now they are really happy to be together thanks to Trent."

To be continued.............

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

From Couple to Parents Already: Velvet Scarlatina x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now