Chapter 1: Returning to Beacon! Everyone Meets the Little Faunus

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers, here is chapter 1 of this story and by the title of this chapter you should know what's going to happen in this chapter,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"(Y/N) along with Team CFVY are grabbing their bags as they're waiting for the Bullhead, (Y/N) is carrying Velvet's bag as she has Trent in her arms asleep as he didn't want too much pressure on Velvet as she holds his and her son since they're taking care of him. The Bullhead arrives as they got on and (Y/N) sits next to Velvet and Trent coos as he is asleep, (Y/N) smiles and he looks at Velvet as she looks at him and they both smile. They return to Beacon as the Bullhead lands and they walk off it as they head to the school; as (Y/N) looks at Trent he sees him waking up as he does a little yawn. Then he looks at (Y/N) and Velvet as he smiles at them, then as he looks at Beacon Academy his eyes widen in amazement as he smiles brightly.......................
(Y/N): "That's right Trent. Me and mommy are going to this school, and soon as you get older at about our age. You will soon do the same."
..................he squeals in excitement and (Y/N) rubs his head as he giggles, then he looks at Velvet as she is blushing....................
(Y/N): "What's wrong Velvet?"
Velvet: "It's just, you called me mommy like we're married. Are you really okay with this?"
(Y/N): "Yes. Of course, I don't have any doubts dating you and also marrying you one day. I never regretted it, and never will."
Velvet: *smiles* "Then I guess I shouldn't have been worried. I'm glad as well."
..................they kissed and they walked back to the dorm as they get things ready for Trent.................

3rd P.O.V

.................Coco is in the cafeteria with Fox and Yatsuhashi as they are hanging out, Coco knows that (Y/N) and Velvet are with Trent as she decided for them to be alone as they get things ready for him. Then as they hang out Team RWBY walks up to them...................
Ruby: "Hey Coco."
Coco: "Hey."
Yang: "I see you're back form the mission."
Coco: "Yep, it was tough. But, we did it."
Weiss: "Yeah. I heard what it was, definitely dangerous."
Ruby: "Hey, where's Velvet?"
Coco: "She at our dorm with (Y/N) getting things ready."
Blake: "Ready for what?"
...................Coco's eyes widen and she looks away as she sighs....................
Coco: "Okay, listen carefully. About 2 nights ago, we went to sleep after the long mission and then as we were Velvet heard a noise, (Y/N) investigated as he looked around and he opened the front door and to his surprise *rubs the back of her head* well................"
Ruby: "What is it?"
Coco: "...............there was a baby rabbit Faunus left there and now (Y/N) and Velvet are raising him."
Blake: "Wait, a baby?"
Coco: "Yeah. The mother wanted (Y/N) and Velvet to take care of him. *notices Ruby gone* Where did Ruby go?"
.....................they look as they see a trail of rose petals as they knew where she's headed, then in Team CFVY's dorm Velvet is dressing Trent in a freshly new footsie pajamas as he giggles. Then (Y/N) places the finishing touches on the crib and he smiles at the success, then he goes next to Velvet as he sits in front of her with Trent on her lap. He looks at (Y/N) as he reaches for him wanting (Y/N) to hold him, (Y/N) cradles him as he tickles Trent and he giggles and Velvet is adoring him as his new mother and father is adoring him. Then a knock is heard at the door it was rapid knocks, then (Y/N) gives Trent to Velvet as he gets up as more knocks are heard.....................
(Y/N): "Alright, alright calm down."
...................he opens it as he looks to see a eager Ruby Rose as his eyes widen and she walks in past him as she saw Trent and she gasps and Trent looks at her as he coos and she makes a pure joy like face as she kneels to Trent....................
Ruby: "Hi there, oh my goodness you're so cute. *tickles him* Tickle, tickle."
...................he giggles as she tickles him, then (Y/N) looks at her.....................
(Y/N): "Ruby *she looks at him* why are you here?"
Ruby: "Coco told me and my team that you brought a baby here so I wanted to see and he is so adorable."
....................then the rest of Team RWBY shows up as Yang and Weiss goes next to Velvet as they look at him and he looks at both of them.................
Blake: "I guess Coco wasn't lying."
(Y/N): "Yep."
Ruby: "What's his name?"
(Y/N): "His name is Trent, and he's also a rabbit Faunus like Velvet."
....................then Trent looks at them as he smiles brightly as that makes Yang and Weiss's eyes sparkle at the cuteness.................
Weiss: "Oh my, you're so cute, yes you are."
Yang: "Oh my goodness so adorable. Oh look at that little face."
Blake: "So, he was found on the ground in front of the door?"
Velvet: "Yeah. I felt bad that the mother had to abandon her baby to keep him safe, so me and (Y/N) decided to raise him now."
(Y/N): "And besides, he already thinks of us as his mother and father. So, we had to."
Yang: "Hey, if you guys need a babysitter for this little guy. You can ask us to take care of him."
Velvet: "Well, that's good."
..................Trent giggles, then Yang, Weiss, and Ruby kept adoring him as he giggles more, then (Y/N) hears a knock as he looks to see Jaune and behind him is his team.................
Jaune: "Hey guys. We were wondering why was Ruby going fast.................."
Pyrrha: "Aww, who is this?"
Velvet: "This is Trent."
...................the moment Nora saw him her eyes widen as she kneels next to Velvet and started adoring him..................
Jaune: "So, why did you bring a baby to Beacon?"
(Y/N): "It's a long story."
...................he explains to Team JNPR and they understood, then it got night as Velvet places Trent in his crib as (Y/N) starts the baby mobile over him and Trent slowly falls asleep. Then (Y/N) and Velvet laid in bed together and they drifted to sleep."

To be continued................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

From Couple to Parents Already: Velvet Scarlatina x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now