One saw lies, the other the truth.

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Peter Parker or Peter Stark. He looks like a pure angel. He had shinny brown hair, brown eyes full of hope and kindness, but that's all a lie. Peter had lied to the avengers- no his family about his past. He never told him what he really was or the truth. Every word about he's feelings, past, anything else that can't be proven by facts, are lies.

Peter was a monster. The description told you was a facade, lies. When there's no one around his eyes turn cold and menacing. Everything about him just seems a bit darker. His demeanor changes from one that was kind and light hearted to one that was cold and sadistic.

The avengers had saw this side of him but thought it was just because hydra had change him. They thought he wanted to look more friendly towards people so he changed his appearance near others. They were wrong. The avengers, were heroes to people, so is Spider-Man. Or should I say was Spider-Man.

I'll tell you the whole truth about what really happened and not just the lies that he had told. I will leave some things out, but all secrets must be told so you will learn later. I must warn you, this isn't your normal story. This sort is gruesome, and horrifying, so stop here is you don't want to experience the nightmare the avengers had, when they found out the truth.

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Peter, that was his name. He had no clue of who his family was but frankly he didn't care. He had a new family that took care of him.

He had escaped hydra and the base before it had burn everything to the ground. Everything was in smoke and ashes. Peter would have died if he was inside. No he wouldn't, because he's already dead. Peter felt dead emotionally, mentally but more of all physically. He was dead. Peter had walked in the woods it was snowing hard and wind was blowing. He didn't feel all this.

Soon static cut though the air and Peter scenes someone close. The turned and saw a tall lanky figure, hiding in the trees about a mile away. Peter had pulled out a knife and walked towards the creature. The creature seem to stay in place not leaving. Soon he was in front of the creature. They stared for a moment as he examined him.

This thing was abnormally tall, to the point here he looked like a tree. He was also very thin and lanky looking with no sight of mussel any where. He had on a black suit and tie, but what really got his attention was his face. This creature had no facial features, his skin was white and blank and a void of emotion.

'Child. What are you doing with a body?' thing thing said to Peter

Peter was dragging a body. The body was mangled and had some of his organs missing.

"I needed food." Peter had answer with a emotionless voice.

The thing seemed shocked at first but then had a thought.

'Wound you like to join us. We have people like you. We can help you get food.'

He pointed to the body Peter was dragging. Peter took a moment and nodded his head. Peter let go of the body and took the hand of the monster in front of him. They had teleport to an office.

'There are things we need to know before you join us. Firstly name, then how you were in the woods with a body.'

I won't tell you what had happen yet but you'll learn. He had awnser every question and they made a new story. This is how they made the new story of Stitches. Peter was delighted at this. He had joined a group where he can murder not the victims but the people who deserved it. They had never killed victims unless it was needed.

The thing had welcomed it to this new family. They went down stairs and a meeting had been called out. Soon many people were in the room staring at his and the creature he had learned to be Slender-man.

'This is our new guest, Stitches. Treat him with respect please.' Slender man had said.

The left the living room area into the dinning hall and kitchen. They had all stared at each other before one person piped up.

"Your like what, 10? How the fuck did you become a creepypasta?" A voice said. It had came from a man who had a cut smile.

"Well, Sir. It's a long story but to be simple. I was kidnapped. I later killed one person to keep as food and burned the place down." Peter had explain.

"You eat people?" A man with a blue mask said.


The questions rang out and he had calmly answered them all. Soon it was time for dinner then bed. Peter sat down next to the man with a blue mask on his left and pale man to his right. A plate was in front of him. It was a heart and some fries. He dug into the food taking bites after bites into the heart.

"Man you really like it." The man in his right said.

"Yeah. I never got your name."

"I'm Jeff. Jeff the killer."

"Peter. Stitches."

This was a start of a horrifying friendships or relationship later, but that to dwell on another day. This story was the start of a horrifying family and friends to Peter. He would care for these people as long as he walked the earth.

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It hadn't took much to convince slender man for him to become a hero. He knew that he wanted to become a hero and idolize Ironman. He had dawned on a new hero suit different from stitches.

The swung in New York City looking out for bad guys to take care of. He had a different attitude when he was Spider-Man. He was more comfortable as nicer but it was a lie. He had dawned the Spider-Man costume when he was 12. That was 3 years ago.

He was sitting on the edge of a building staring at the sight. He felt his spider sense tingling and turned around. He saw his idol Ironman or Tony Stark.

"H-Hello!" Peter stuttered in shock.

"Hi Spider-Man. I'm here to talk to you about the avengers. Could you come with me?" Mr. Stark asked.

Spider-Man nodded rapidly. Tony began to fly while he swung behind him. They soon got to the tower and entered. Peter was amazed by the building and it beauty. He followed Tony to the living room and sat down while taking off his suit.

"Hello, Spider-Man. I'm Steve Rogers." Steve said.

He stuck his hand out for a hand shake. Peter let out a light chuckle and shook his hand.

"Spider-Man." He said.

He put in his new demeanor and attitude while meeting them. He smiled and soon shook everyone's hand.

"So we have some questions kid. How old are you?"

"Umm 15." Peter says.

The avengers looked shocked on how much a young kid can be a hero. He started when he was 12 and now he's 15.

"Your too young you could get hurt!" Steve said.

"Said the kid who would pick fight in the streets." Peter mumbles under his breath.

They didn't hear what Peter had said. They continuously asked questions bugging him about everything. Peter sat in the couch still wandering the question they had. His eyes became more tired and weary. He soon fell asleep peacefully on Natasha's shoulder.

From this day they cared about Peter as if he was family.

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