The murder in his eyes

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The school had a week off after the crazy man now known as Matthew Collins and his crazy friends. When they read the report on why they attacked the school, but mostly Peter it was surprised. Collins had been stalking Peter for a while since he would see Jeff the killer near him. Jeff had killed his son and he wanted revenge so he was planing to kill Peter. The avengers were scared and all the hero's agreed to stay in the tower for a while to help Peter recover and watch out for the murders in the city.

It had been 3 days since the attack at school. Peter sat on his room with Natasha not talking. They watched TV while Natasha was trying to talk to him.

"маленький паук are you okay?" Natasha asked.

"Yeah" Peter said just above a whisper.

Natasha rubbed his back while he stared mindlessly at the TV. He avengers thought he was scared and petrified at he experience, but he was worried on what he would do if they found out.

"Mr. Stark requests everyone's presents at the living floor." Friday said.

Natasha and Peter went to the elevator in silence. They go to the floor as Peter just sat on the couch not saying a word. Soon everyone came and sat or stand around the TV. Tony was in the middle in front of the TV.

"Okay here's the thing. First up we are testing a rumor Fury gave us.  Then a quick break. Second we are having a therapy session with Peter." Tony said.

Peter panicked a little. He would have to lie to then once again saying the experience was terrifying and not nervous about then finding out his secret. He sat on the couch rubbing his hands together nervously.

"What's the rumor?" Clint asked.

"Apparently you can get the attention of the so called hacker of 'Ben Drowned' by going on clever bot and sat his hacker name a couple times." Fury said from the back.

Peter knew he was screwed if Ben decided to let the secret out. Tony got out a computer and connected it to he TV where everyone could watch it.

"Peter could you type?" His dad asked.

Peter hesitatingly nods and takes the computer. The pulled up clever bit and began to type. The familiar blue and white screen pops up. He didn't know what to type and pretended not to know how this rumor works.

"Okay now just type in 'Ben Drowned' and Ben in all caps and just continue that." Fury says.

He nodded and began to type.

User: BEN Drowned.
Cleverbot: Hi.

Peter knew it wasn't a good idea but he had to do it. He knew Ben was on the other side so trust him. He wanted to make sure this was a good idea first.

"I read some scary stories one was about him. I just want to try something." Peter said

User: Majora's mask.
Cleverbot: You shouldn't have done that...
User: Ben Drowned.
Cleverbot: You've met terrible fate , haven't you?
User: Ben drowned.
Cleverbot: Are you watching me?
User: Can I speak to Ben Drowned.
Cleverbot: BEN is speaking.
User: Are you really Ben Drowned?
Cleverbot: It's your turn now.
User: Are you Ben Drowned?
Cleverbot: No.
User: BEN Drowned.
Cleverbot: Why?
User: Ben drowned.
Cleverbot: What are you talking about?
User: BEN Drowned.
Cleverbot: I'm pretty aware of that.
User: How did BEN Drowned?
Cleverbot: I don't know. Do you?

He knew Ben was a bit afraid of them but he had to do it. He saw Bens eyes in the computer only he could see it since it was unnoticeable. He's eyes soften in remorse, but Ben gave a light smile in return.

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