Truths come out.

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They all just stared at Peter at he wiped the blood off his mask from earlier.

"Sorry you had to see that. Zalgo tends to be more gruesome to be in hopes of killing me." Peter said.

"What the hell was that Peter! Your a murder! You killed so many innocent people." Tony said.

"No we don't." Peter said harshly.

"You saw the reports! They were innocent!" Tony yelled.

Peter put on his mask to hide his weak looking face.

"Ben where are you?" Peter said.

Then a bloody looking link popped in front of them. He hugged Peter and he hugged back.

"How are you long time no see." Ben said.

"I saw you yesterday." Peter said dryly.

"Yeah but that like hours ago." Ben said.

Peter rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"I need to talk to Slender. Apparently, Zalgo is attacking avengers or going to forcefully make them partner up with them." Peter said. "He already framed us for murders of innocents like Hannah Michaels."

"Stark! Your not allowed to leak shield information!" Fury yelled.

He heard him yell but ignored him.

"Now bring us to the living room and tell Tim and Brian their on watching duty." Peter said.

Ben nodded. Another portal thing opened up and Peter went threw. All the avengers and hero's hesitated but followed Peter. They all didn't know who this Peter was.

They entered a living room which looked kinda Victorian but nice. It was huge and big many about the size back in the tower. They saw people doing actives and talking. Then two people in a mask and hood was near the couch. They saw it was Tim and Brian or Masky and hoodie from their reports. Peter went up to the two.

"Taser then if they try to attack. No serious damage they are out guest." Peter said. "Same goes with you but your punishment will be much worse. Now I have to go meet with Slender. Watch them."

Peter walked off leaving the avengers sitting on the couch staring at the two.

"They punish you?" Clint said.

"Only if we misbehave and that's rare. It mostly Jeff and who ever. Some times Toby and I. Don't worry the punishment army that bad." Masky said.

"What do they do?" Bruce asked.

"We each have our our kind. I usual have to be locked in a room with Toby on a sugar high for an hour tied us so I can't yell or fight him to stop being annoying." Masky said.

"I'm usual forced to look back at old memories.  Mostly the old painful ones and he would throw in a good one through out so we don't get hurt too much." Hoodie said.

"I'm f-forced to feel-el p-pain. I know re-realize why it's ca-called that!" A voice said.

They turned to see a boy. It was ticci Toby it Toby Rogers. He keeps his mask on and then gasps.

"T-The A-AVENGERS!! O-oh my G-god! I-I A-M S-SUCH A B-IG Fa-AN!" Toby yells.

He bounced up and down and you can see Masky is annoyed with the mask on. He puts his hand in his fists and takes deep breath.

"Calm down Toby." Masky says.

Tony calms down but still is excited.

"What about the others?" Natasha asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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