Hunting for them

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A year had passed and everything was great. When trying to discover Peter's parents they found out he was Tony's child. He started to live at the tower and told them about his 'past'.
Peter still murdered and ate people but he hid that from the avengers. He visits the mansion at least once a day and constantly talks to Jeff and Ben. He started to gain friends at school and outside of school. He had made friends with Deadpool or Wade Wilson. He didn't have any at school though. He was quiet and that made him a perfect target for bullies.

Right now Peter was in a board meeting with every hero they could find. From Daredevil to Loki. Heroes filled the room looking at director Fury.

"We have a situation. Murders have spikes in the past months. We have some of the real names of these people but there is a couple we don't have." Fury said.

Peter became nervous but hid it. Some of the murders were because of the war and people forgetting us. Fury presses a button on to show gruesome pictures of people murdered. The thing that made him worry was the cut smiled and the blood in the walls.

"This is the murders committed by Jeffery Woods but known as Jeff the Killer. He is a infamous killer along with the other we will be talking about. He tends to leave his victims with smile carved faces and uses their blood to write 'Go to Sleep'. All we know of him is that he was burned by 3 bullies and bleached his skin. Those bullies were killed when he was burned when he attacked more details of the incident will be in the folders." Fury said.

Peter was increasingly getting worried. What would they do to Jeff?

"Next is Jackson Tyler Hammerson. We don't know much but he goes by Eyeless Jack. He wears a mask and had it to seem black Goop runs from his eyes. He also was dead but came but from possible cult. He steals organs and it is unsure what he does with them."

Peter knew the truth. He was burned alive and used as a cult sacrifice to a god named Chernobog. Also with the organ he and Jack ate them for food.

"This is Toby Erin Rogers, Timothy Wright and Brian Thomas. They are also known as Ticci Toby, Masky and Hoodie. They, as well as other people I mentioned earlier and later on are Proxies. Toby was an abuse child in a house hold and killed his father in retaliation. We don't know about Tim and Brian but we do know Tim was an former mental patient and Brian an former amateur actor."

Tim, Brian, Toby please don't hurt them.

"This is Natalie Oulette or Clockwork. She had gouged our one of her eyes and replaced it with  a pocket watch.she apparently snapped and liked her family after she escaped from her medical care."

Only if they knew what those monsters did to her.

"Homicidal Liu. His name is Liu Woods and brother of Jeff the killer. He is also a survivor of one of his killings. He was caught on tape murdering a nurse."

That lady insulted his brother! Who wouldn't be mad!

"Helen Otis or bloody painter. It is unsure why he murdered but he murdered his friend when he pushed him off a two story building and said it was an accident. They believe him but then he became a target for bullies and he snapped and killed them. He collects some of the blood and also paint an art piece on the walls of the victims house."

Bullshit! He fell and Helen didn't push him!

"Now In to the killer who we don't know their real names to. BEN drowned he taunted his victims by hacking into their computer and messing with them until he kills them and leaves water behind."

Ben.... are you fucking idiots? He is in the computer and the water is from the computer when he leaves it. He does that shit to annoy me and Jeff.

"Kate the chaser, nothing is on her. Sally, nothing on her either. Puppeteer he murders his victims by stabbing them with small picks and uses rope of sting to hang them."

Kate my friend. Sally she's like my little sister! And pup he murders with sting coming out of his fingers goddammit!

Fury continued for a little bit more and then a slide popped up catching his eye. He looked at it and realized it was Slender that man who practically raised him! His father Tony was amazing father but slender. Slender was like Peters god father he trusted him. Peter was Slender's right hand man.

"This is Slender-man the brains of it all and who is the boss and leads the murders. We suspect he's the one behind the tasing of killing in the last months. But he is nothing compared to his right hand man."

The next slide was him! Or we'll his murdering side.

"Stitches. Slender's right hand man. He is the boss of everyone except for slender and he kills us gruesome ways. He steals organs, blood and eyes from his victims. He is apparently immortal and can not die."

He can't die since he's already dead. Peter just wanted to scream and tell him he's all wrong. Zalgo is behind this all, and the creepypasta only murders less than half of who had been killed. They only murder the bad people!

"Now we don't have a picture but this is Zalgo he murders but he also seems to be trying to stop Slender and his gang from murdering any more."

Peter clenched his hand in anger. He knew Zalgo wanted them all dead and kill all of humanity and enslaved them. He didn't want to stop Slender he wanted to kill him. He wanted world domination.

"Jesus what happened to theses kids? What made them snap?" Steve said with a bit of sincerity in his voice.

Most of the avengers looked shocked, saddened, and in a loss for words. These stories made it hurt and sad. Peter didn't mind this, but he pulled in a fake face.

Soon the meeting ended and Peter went to his room he couldn't be bothered and look at the faces of his family. They though they were cold blooded murders, that they were killing innocents. He later in bed listening to music while reading a book. He pulled up his phone and went to clever bot.

BEN drowned
How did he die?
BEN drowned
Who drowned him?
BEN drowned
Ben! WondEring if eveRythINg is gooD bAck iN the GrEat house with gReat people.
WHy everyOne is good.
So wHat Is jEff Looking at on his paD?
Nothing, well got to go bye!

He was happy he got the message on what he was trying to tell him. He put away cleverbot and but his head down. He really needed a nap.

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