I cant fight. *trigger warning!*

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Warning ⚠️ this is triggering. This is going into school shooting so please leavers you don't like these kind of sense. Thank you and good bye.

Once Peter woke up he saw that it was morning. He must have slept in and nobody had woke him up. He got ready for school as he would usually do and got on his weak appearance. He put on a white collared shirt, blue sweater, jeans and some white shoes. He had done his homework and everything was ready.

He got to the kitchen and saw everyone at the table. He woke up a bit late so he grabbed at apple and a water bottle.

"Running late. Got to go bye dad! Bye aunts and uncles!" Peter said.

He rushed to the elevator and heard a courses of byes. Peter rushed to the bus stop before it could leave with our him. He got there just in time. He took a seat in the back and plugged in his headphones. He listened to 'Everything That Isn't Me' by Lukas Graham. He pulled out and stared to text his friend.

Peter: Hey J! How are ya?
J: I'm good Pete. So what ya doin'?
Peter: going to school.

The Peter has a weird feeling and he looked around. He saw a black van driving next to the school bus and it was near his window. He was about to take a look at the driver before he felt a buzz.

J: Cool. Hey I think someone is stalking you. I've been watching after you when you walk out of the forest and I see some shadow near by but I can't kill them because of slendick.
Peter: Okay I'll make sure to be more careful. Tell Ben to access the camera and microphone at all times to make sure nothing happens. Don't want any secrets to happen.
J: K I will. Got to go need to beat Ben's ass at Mario Kart
Peter: Sorry but Ben is gonna win :(
J: he fucking cheats.

Peter laughed a bit and flash heard him.

"Who are you texting your girlfriend oh wait. Who would want to date you? Your just a lonely loser." Flash said.

They all laugh at flash's joke. Peter was with someone but he never talked about it. Peter rolled his eyes and turned up his music to block out their laughter.

Peter went on his phone and typed in 'Creepypasta Stitches fanart'. He was fascinated on how people were obsessed with him. He liked to read some fan-fictions to see how silly they were, Jeff joined him quite often. He also liked the art a lot since there was nothing that could go wrong, well there was the ..... NSFW type but he would avoid it. He liked how accurate these drawing were and some even added piercings he got soon after.

When he went into his Creepypasta form he would wear his classic clothes. A black sweater with purple patches, black ripped jeans, black shirt with some rips in it, black combat boots, Fingerless glows and his mask. People knew how he looked like with out his mask on because of his story. He only wore the mask since he didn't want to be recognized if someone saw him in public.

Even though he was wearing that clothes he also looked different. He had stitches everywhere sewing his body back together, his eyes were a different color. His eyes were a beautiful brown but it turned blood red. His eyes were blood shot and the eyes were black kinda like Ben drowned's but there was bit of green and blue form the hypothermia and mold. He had dark red, bits of green and light blue covering his eyes. His skin wasn't tan but a pale and gray-ish color. All his joints and other body parts were stitched together. He had many weapons on him while he hunted but he used a knife and axe so it can be quicker.

Soon the bus stopped at school. He walked timidly though the halls. He didn't have many friends he could be with. In fact he had no friends at all in school. He walked to his first period English with Mrs. Roseanne. He sat down at his desk in the second row in the middle. He liked to blend in at school so he wouldn't draw to much attention to him self.

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