Defying Orders&Eret Son of Eret

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INTRODUCING @Mack_Cheese_Kukula

     Tanya and the gang entered the hangar and stepped into a chaotic mess. Vikings and Dragons were hurrying about, slamming the doors and dodging dragons who were flitting around. Stoick was shouting orders as Hiccup and Astrid followed with Gobber close behind.
     Hiccup's eyes widened. "Did my dad just say a dragon army?"
     Tanya nodded solomnly. "That's the purpose that Drago has for the dragons that Eret and his men are trapping."
     Astrid watched as older Hiccup gave Astrid a peck on the cheek. Hiccup and Astrid looked at each other, blushing slightly.
     "Really? She chooses him?" Snotlout complained.
     Jaws rolled his eyes and huffed. Snotlout was soon shut up by Jaws' fin-like tail coming up to smack him. Snotlout yelped, but was quiet. Hiccup watched is older self jump on Toothless and shoot out of the hangar, trying the windows, but they closed in their faces. Stoick shouted for his son to stop, but Hiccup and Toothless slipped through the crack in the door before it could close entirely.
     "Classic Hiccup," Astrid said, "he never listens to orders."
     Hiccup frowned, but soon was smirking as Astrid and Stormfly spiraled out of the door, barely escaping. "You were saying Astrid?"
     Astrid rolled her eyes, but gave in. Tanya mounted Natasha as a Gronckle ran through Natasha's legs.
     "Did you see that?" Tuffnut yelled. "Quick! I want to be invisible!"
     Tanya slapped a hand to her face and shook her head. "Tuff you're already invisible."
     Tuffnut looked up with delight. "Really? So I can just," Tuffnut broke off as he jumped in front of a charging herd of Terrible Terrors. The Terrors flew straight through him and he laughed.
     "Yes! That was awesome!" Tuffnut cheered.
     "C'mon, I want to introduce you to a friend," Tanya said, lifting off the ground and flying through the door.
     The gang followed, soaring through the sky until they touched down on a large ice flo. A young woman and dragon were waiting. She was sharpening her axe with a small stone. Hiccup slid off Storm and looked up in awe of the dragon in front of him.
     "What kind of dragon is that?" Hiccup asked in awe.
     "It's a Stormcutter," Tanya said quickly.
     They approached the young woman. She jumped up from leaning against her dragon and waved.
     "Hi Mackenzie!" Tanya waved back.
     Mackenzie wore a long sleeved blue tunic with a fur vest. She wore a smooth leather skirt with spikes. Her brown leggings were accented with blue knee covers. She had black boots. Her hair was long and braided. She had a leather headband with silver beads. She laid her axe on the floor and approached the gang.
     "Hey Tanya," Mackenzie greeted.
     Tanya gave Mackenzie a hug and looked at the Gang. "Guys, meet Mackenzie, she'll be traveling with us for a bit before she needs to go back to her land."
     "Is your land the US of A?" Tuffnut asked.
     "Um, it's the USA," Mackenzie corrected. "And yes, I do."
     "So, how about you grab Flare and let's go," Tanya suggested.
     Mackenzie nodded and picked up her axe. Flare, her Stormcutter, waltzed over and nudged Mackenzie's head. Mackenzie mounted and looked at everyone. Hiccup and the gang mounted their dragons. They all lifted up and Tanya lifted up.
     "Where to Mack?" Tanya asked.
     "To Eret Son of Eret," Mackenzie cheered.
     "Back to him?" Astrid asked.
     "Oh ho, the adventure is only beginning," Tanya said with a grin.
     Tanya and Mackenzie led the charge through the fog. The fog cleared as they approached the ice formation that they had first seen. Mackenzie sped ahead and soared around it, twisting and turning through the spikes. Flare's double wings shot out as she manuvered the maze of spikes. Tanya chased Mackenzie through the maze with the gang close behind her. Everyone raced through the spikes. Astrid cheered as she and Hiccup raced each other. Everyone twisted and turned around the sharp spikes.
     "WOAH!" Tanya pulled Natasha to a halt.
     "Easy Flare," Mackenzie said, skidding to a halt in the air.
     Everyone came flying to a halt behind Flare and Natasha. Looking down Tanya saw Hiccup and Astrid flying towards Eret's boat. Toothless and Stormfly doged the nets that catapulted at them. Mackenzie led the gang down closer to the boat as Hiccup and Astrid landed with thei dragons.
     "Look," Mackenzie said, "aren't they adorable?"
     Tanya nodded and gave Mackenzie a high five. "Amen Mack."
     Hiccup threw the net over an unsuspecting Astrid, taking her axe as well. Hiccup and Astrid jumped into the pit, Hiccup jabbering about keeping the boss happy and about how he trained Toothless.
     "That's right," Hiccup murmued to his older self. "Any dragon can be trained."
     Hiccup talked about how he earned Toothless' loyalty. Hiccup began to click Toothless' into automatic. Natasha ducked as a rush of dragons swooped in. Hookfang snatched Hiccup while the rest of the older gang trashed Eret's boat, sending waves forward and rocking the boat. The mast was torn and dragons landed on the boat, cornering Eret's men. Eret and his men began to shoot nets and Toothless watched from the mast.
     "Favorite part!" Tanya and Mackenzie said together.
     Ruffnut and Tuffnut flew in on Barf and Belch. They dodged until Ruffnut saw Eret.
     Mackenzie opened her arms in a dramatic motion. "Take me!" She leaned back, looking like Kate Winslet from the Titanic.
     Tanya broke out into giggles. She high-fived Mackenzie and nodded.  Tanya wiped a tear from her eye. "That, that was the perfect impression!"
     Mackenzie bowed and nodded everyone's gazes back to Ruffnut. Ruffnut's eyes widened and she did her best to pause Barf in mid air. A dreamy look overcame her and she grinned. She nodded and opened her arms, accepting the net that overtook her and Barf. Hiccup managed to swing out of Hookfang's talons and Astrid knocked a man over from hitting Hiccup with a net.
     Gobber landed on the boat with Grump and the Gang followed. Stoick landed on the mast, jumping off Skullcrusher. Eret stepped forward, cocky and overconfident. He began to introduce himself, but Stoick shoved him back by his face. Eret began to introduce himself again, but Gobber docked him on the head with his mace-like appendage before Grump laid his chin on him.
     "Woah, did Hiccup just defy the chief?" Tuffnut gasped.
     "I didn't think he had that in him," Ruffnut added.
     "Um, you realize that he defied the chief when he trained Toothless?" Fishlegs pointed out.
     "Or when he kept training the dragons after Stoick said not to," Astrid added.
     "Or when Kroga-oh," Tanya stopped herself quickly.
     "Nice save," Mackenzie muttered.
     "Thanks," Tanya replied quickly.
     Everone watched as Stoick explained the gathering at which he first met Drago Bludvist. Everyone's eyes, except Tanya and Mackenzie's eyes widened as they listened to how his army of dragons burned the Great Hall. Everyone was shocked as Stoick spoke to Hiccup. Tanya looked back at the gang and saw their solomn and shocked expressions. Hiccup, as his personality was, defied Stoick, mounting Toothless.
     "What did I say?" Hiccup asked as he watched himself fly off.
     "You said, 'This is what I'm good at, and if I can change your mind, I can change his'." Tanya turned Natasha to look at the gang.
     "No surprise," Astrid muttered.
     Everyone looked back to see Stoick giving orders to Astrid. Ruffnut was lying on the ground and playing with Eret's large biceps. Tanya and Mackenzie sniggered as everyone else cringed, except Ruffnut.
     "C'mon," Tanya said, "I know you all are going to want to see what happens next."
     "You really don't want to miss this," Mackenzie added.
     Everyone raced after Hiccup and Toothless. Everyone eager to find out what this next chapter would hold.

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