Looks Refreshing&For the Dancing and the Dreaming

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Tanya sighed as she pulled out a glass ball again. She waved her hand over it turning the ball into a light purple glow.
"Watch this guys!" Tanya called their attention from the family reunion to where she was holding the ball in front of a blank wall. "'Tash, easy now, slow burn please."
The illuminated picture showed Drago's ship. The gang was held by guards at the back of the deck and Eret was peering over the edge into the bubbling ocean. Eret returned and faced Astrid, smirking as she insulted him.
"You go Astrid," Ruffnut cheered.
Everyone jumped as Eret suddenly roundhouse kicked the guard that held Astrid. Astrid helped take out the guards as did Fishlegs; however, Eret took out almost every guard there was. The last one was running, but Eret took the blowgun and shot the guard in the neck.
"That's my favorite line," Tanya muttered to Hiccup.
"What line?" Fishlegs asked.
"The 'get 'em you son of an Eret'," Tanya impersonated.
"I'm gonna!" Ruffnut started.
Tuffnut and Fishlegs grabbed her and kept her restrained. Tanya just laughed and rolled her eyes. Snotlout grunted and crossed his arms. His face was twisted into a scowl as he glared at the picture that was Ruffnut staring lovingly to Eret. Tanya mentally snickered. The ball gleamed as the gang raced to free their dragons. The ball dimmed and Tanya placed it carefully back into the velvet box. The crystal ball sunk into the velvet and Tanya placed it back into the saddle bags.
"Now, are you ready to see the love of a newly found family?" Tanya asked joyously.
Snotlout rolled his eyes, but Hiccup nodded with excitement. Tanya led them to a second cavern and saw as Stoick and Valka were putting together fish kabobs. Stoick laid them on a tray as older Hiccup jabbered on and on about the new improvements of Berk. Hiccup watched in awe as he saw his family be whole once again.
"Wow," Astrid breathed.
Hiccup grinned and saw Stoick lay his hands on Valka's shoulders. Valka jumped and spun quickly, dropping the kabobs on the ground. Tanya chuckled as Cloudjumper gobbled up the fish before Toothless could even get to them. Cloudjumper looked at Toothless wide and pleading eyes. Cloudjumper's throat rippled as he regurgitated the fish. A loud 'blech' rippled through the crowd of onlooking vikings. Tanya looked away and Fishlegs dry heaved as Toothless ate the regurgitated fish with a slurp. Hiccup groaned and facepalmed while Astrid wrinkled her nose with an 'ugh'. Tuffnut and Ruffnut chuckled as they snuck up on Gobber. Snotlout crossed his arms as he watched Stoick and Valka interact.
Ruffnut jumped forward to grab Gobber, but they both soon remembered that Gobber could not hear them. Tuffnut's shoulders slumped and he and Ruffnut regrouped.
"Eh, this is no fun," Tuffnut complained. "We finally get oportune moments to Loki people, and we can't even Loki them."
"This is depressing," Ruffnut added.
"This is a time of celebration," Astrid pointed out. "The Haddocks are finally complete."
"C'mon guys, I've been wanting my mother all my life and now I have her," Hiccup added. "Please just, be happy?"
"Well Jaws and I are going to take a little flight," Snotlout announced. "I've had enough of this 'reunion' to last me a life time."
Snotlout jumped on Jaws and took off through the tunnels to the outside. The twins hopped on Missle and Boom and swooped after Snotlout, hollering for him to slow down. Astrid rolled her eyes and turned back to where Hiccup was going on about how great this was. Hiccup grinned as much as his older self was grinning. Stoick stopped Hiccup, sensing that Valka was being overwhelmed by the idea.
"It's so sweet," Astrid said softly.
Astrid subconsciously laid her hand on Hiccup's knee. Tanya smiled as she saw her OTP interact and as she saw Stoick look at Valka then away a few times. Tanya watched Hiccup's eyes light up in wander at his father and mother. Stoick began whistling. Stoick began singing the song For the Dancing and the Dreaming. Hiccup and Astrid watched in awe as Stoick began singing the love song to his wife.
"Classic Gobber," Astrid chuckled as Gobber interrupted.
Gobber looked ashamed as he apologized for breaking the moment between chief and his wife. Fishlegs wiped his eyes as Valka paused before returning the song. Valka raised her fist and touched Stoick's. They began dancing in a circle before taking hands and skipping. Older Hiccup was grabbed by Gobber and jostled in a circle as Gobber joined the festivities. Everyone danced and sang the old viking song of love.
Tanya began fangirling and nearly passed out as Stoick went on bent knee, asking Valka to return and be his wife once again. You could see the relief that Valka held as she realized that Stoick was not upset at her for leaving. Stoick brought Hiccup into a family hug, urging Vcalka to join them as a full family. Everyone chuckled as Toothless nosed his way into the circle, his nose twitching at Valka. Hiccup looked at Astrid in excitement as Valka nodded her yes. Everyone cheered, though they could not be heard by the happy family.
"I really have a family again," Hiccup said in disbelief. "Astrid I have a family again!"
Snotlout and the twins burst in. They were all shaking and pointing to the outside. Tanya looked up to see mass dragons fleeing outside in hoards by the hundreds.
"Ships. Armada. Coming. Here. Attack." Snotlout gasped.
"Tuffnut what's going on?" Hiccup asked, ignoring Snotlout's babbling.
"Well while you were in here enjoyung the family moment, a fleet of ships docked outside," Tuffnut explained diplomatically. "I'm thinking we should get outside."
Hiccup and Astrid looked at Tanya, who rose and blinked. Tanya walked to the entrance as Stoick, Valka and Hiccup raced out with Gobber and the dragons close behind. Tanya turned back to the gang, who were looking at her expectantly. Tanya sighed and bowed her head.
"It's starting."

I got busy with school and also that last Wednesday I was gone practically all day. So to make it up the next chapter will be up and published tomorrow! Again, sorry and I will try to do better next time!

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