Chapter 4

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Next day

Kaneki was walking around the park thinking about his heroism last night. Taking a seat on a bench the ghoul looked up at the sky closing his eyes seeing Touka. "Touka-Chan..." he rubbed his head in frustration wanting to see his friends but he's stuck in this hell hole.

The ghoul gets up seeing a text from Lana Luther. He smiled and sighed heading to lex Corp.

Lex Corp

Kaneki walks in to see Lana waiting for him. "Hey Kaneki." The ghoul smiles at her then followed her to her office. She shuts the door then sits on her chair. "Take a seat ken."

The ghoul takes a seat then she rubbed her head. "Everything okay Lana-San ?" She looked at him shacking her head "you heard about the break in I was almost killed by some crazy man. But this weird person came outdo know where saving me." Kaneki kept his cool nodding "I heard on the news you alright?"

Lana nods softly "yes I'm fine if it wasn't for who ever that was I would probably be dead right now.. he's all over the news." Kaneki nods softly then see the tv on the news caption 'who's the new hero friend or foe'. This made Lana look at the tv smiling "I think he's a friend even if he's a alien he seems like a nice guy or thing."

The white haired man smiled at that trying not to make it stand out.

D.E.O head quarters

Supergirl lands seeing her sister about to bitch her out. "Before you say anything I'm fine and flash is okay I think we need Oliver for help with the children of liberty though." This made Alex's walk away then looked at her super sister "you need to be more careful we haven't seen this thing before. Now people wanna call it a hero. This thing shows up out of the blue remember this he shows up when the bad guys are missing. You and flash need to get him and bring him here or I'll have a squad looking for this thing."

Star labs

Barry is eating till iris stops him. "Babe we need to talk about this thing." Barry looks on the tv to see the white haired man from last night same headline hero or foe. "Iris he's Japanese I heard him say something in Japanese before getting away. He saved Lana Luther why you wanna talk about this." She looked at her husband "Alex's called Cisco to tell you that you and supergirl need to bring him in and she's calling Oliver."

The speedster looks at his wife in shock "now the DEO wants to bother Oliver they never liked him and now they want his help." Barry sighs softly grabbing his bridge of his nose making iris sigh. "Babe I know but you two or three depending on what Oliver gonna say need to find him she believes he's the reason for bad guys are going missing Barry." This made Barry nod softly holding his wife's hand "fine I'll go look for this guy but he didn't try to hurt us he tried to get away he seemed scared."

Central City

Kaneki walked too his apartment thinking about what Mrs Luther said. He entered the building till he reached his door getting inside. The ghoul went to his bedroom seeing his mask on the desk making him look at it.

'I can't stand around and do nothing anymore.'

This made Kaneki sigh remembering the battle trying to save the manager long time ago.

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