Chapter 10

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Supergirl for the past days has been getting up to speed with ghouls. She sighs softly in her apartment only to get up to get water till Alex's walks in. "Hey Kara I was at the DEO and might have a problem." She pulled up pictures of a large man in a suit making Kara raise an eyebrow "who is that ?"

Alex's sits down on the couch "we have no idea but he was seen with Luthor for a bit. His hair is blonde and i don't know something feels wrong. Like we shouldn't even mess with this guy."


Kaneki sits down with Martian Manhunter till the ghoul kept looking at him. "Your not human why be in that form. I'm not trying to sound mean just curious is all.."

John laughed softly only to look at the white haired man "That's a good question Kaneki. To be honest it's to blend in even though everyone knows I'm a Martian. Also you saw what's going on out their.. imagine if they found out ghouls existed on this world.. they would be scared more." The ghoul looked down seeing his reflection with his eyepatch kinda making him get up. "This world is almost peaceful... I was fighting a war.. I couldn't tell the one person I cared about I love them..."

John gets up patting the ghouls shoulder "Kaneki if you want to go home we will do anything in our power to try to get you their. No promise but if you were sent here for what Oliver said then it's impossible to send you home.." The ghoul looked at him remembering something about this being and was able to go threw dimensions and bring people to different worlds. "This being how do I contact him." The Martian saw something in Kaneki eye but decided to ignore it for now "he's impossible to contact. He shows up when he wants to.."

Kaneki cracked his finger only to walk away suddenly making the Martian look to see he was going to the elevator leaving.


He raised a eyebrow at what was on Kaneki mind and this person Touka. John just went to go do some stuff to help the DEO to catch Ben Lockwood.

Arrow Cave

Oliver mediates till he felt his head throb only to get up. He walked to his bench sitting down till he got a text from Barry.

' Look he's being a hero or a consultant at the DEO. Supergirl promised us that he's gonna he fine under their care till crisis happens.'

The archer looked at the text only to go do more push ups.

Kaneki walks the streets people looking at him. The ghoul kept walking till he stopped look at newspaper stand. He smelt something in the air only to see someone bleed from a cut on their shoulder.


Kaneki saw the person drop to the floor people screaming. He looked around only to see someone running from the roof top making the ghoul run as well. Pushing people out the way using his speed made it to the alley way seeing a man in a outfit getting on a motorcycle. Before running he saw a flashback being thrown only to be blinded hearing a engine driving off. The ghoul put his mask on using his kagune to climb the building to get to the roof. He lands running calling his kagune back to see the motorcycle to be long gone.

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