Chapter 8

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Super girl walked into a room with Alex's "Kaneki not a threat it's his kakuja." This made her sister raise a eyebrow the hero sighed softly "he's part human and ghoul that doesn't exist on this earth. He's been ripped apart from his friends Alex's let's make a deal with him I can tell he's a nice person."

Kaneki sees two guys with guns and super girl walk to his cell with handcuffs. The door opens only for Kaneki too look at her in amusement "really handcuffs." It was silent till he gets up offering his arms out slapping them in on for a green light to appear. They walk around everyone looked at the ghoul which made him agitated only to be lead into a interrogation room. "Kaneki sit down please." The ghoul sits only for a woman to walk in with a canister placing it down looking at the ghoul.

"You killed a lot of people. Mr. Ken a lot of surprised to be bad guys. They showed up dead sometimes after a power surge." Kaneki looked her in the eyes "I need to survive. Those people were gonna kill innocent lives anyways." Alex's gets up opening the canister a thing jumped wrapping around Kaneki arm which made the ghoul eyes widen.

Kaneki activated his ghoul "Kaneki chill out that's like a species of alien that makes you not lie." He looked at supergirl trusting her a little only to deactivate his eye seeing Alex's freaked out. "Are you really part human." Kaneki nods "yes I am." They continue with questions till the last one came to play "are you gonna be a problem to this world and will you be part of the DEO as a hero." Kaneki stayed silent only to open his mouth to answer "i won't be it's the kakuja will be a problem and yes I'll play hero only till I find my way back home."

3 hours later

Kaneki walking around the deo with super girl till they have a alarm go off. They run too see everyone scattering "what's going on?" Kaneki looked around till he smells blood the ghoul ran for the ledge only too see something attacking people from a far. Super girl hears screams only to see Kaneki jump from the roof she used her super speed only to see him glide down gracefully and his kagune piercing the wall to slow him down.

Kaneki lands on the street deactivate his kagune making a run to the source. He sees super girl fly ahead of him which didn't bother him at all till he reached the scene. A person in a red cloak and mask was killing people. Super girl flew in only to be thrown back a couple of feet Kaneki ran in jumping only to have his eyes widen seeing a spear like kagune pierce him in the chest. The ghoul took a look to see a mask like agori tree Kaneki was thrown aside.

Kaneki slowly gets up feeling his healing factor slowly take place only for him to activate his kagune slicing the guys legs. Super girl gets up too see Kaneki looking down at the man only for him to rip a mask off throwing it aside "Y-Your eyepatch...!" Kaneki looked at the scared ghoul in his grasp only to throwing up blood super girl heard the heart beat fade till it stoped. Kaneki dropped him to the street too see 5 people dead and a car on fire he closed his eyes then looked at her "we might have a problem he's one of my species. I don't think I came alone."

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