A life laid out for you

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"(Y/N) (L/N), heir of (L/N) Company," Illumi stated, handing out documents about said person to Killua. 

Killua looked through the papers, (Y/N) (L/N), female, age 11, merely a year younger than him, 

"Heh, never thought someone would want a kid like her to be assassinated." He frowned slightly, taking in and memorizing her face carefully, and taking note of other important details, especially her location, with sharp eyes.

"She is the heir of a big company after all...", Illumi picked one of his needles and tossed them in the air. "Just do the job and come home right away. You're not done with your training." He said as he caught the needle with two fingers, face remaining as expressionless as ever. Killua sighed.

"Yeah whatever, then I'll get going," He tossed the papers aside and walked towards the door, hands in his pockets.

Casually walking down the mountain, hands in his pockets, his mind drifted to the thought of assassination, of him having to kill someone....for the millionth time.

"Tch, I'm getting sick of this," He frowned, clearly annoyed. He picked up the pace so he could get the job over with faster.


Meanwhile, you were leisurely strolling around the town, taking in the atmosphere and enjoying yourself. Deciding it was time to go back home, you started your way back. You rounded a corner and into a deserted alleyway, where literally no one goes to anymore or even pays attention to it.

It was the shortcut to your home, and the route you always take to make sure no one knows you even went out in the first place.

That's when you sensed it. Something sharp about to stab you on the neck.

You dodged at what you thought was a knife just in time and whipped around to look at who just tried to kill you.

Silvery-white hair, ghostly pale skin, and deathly, almost snake-like, cornflower blue eyes.

Recognizing this boy's features right away, you realized, a Zoldyck just tried to assassinate you.

He looked at you in shock, before thrusting his clawed hand towards you once more, eyes dark.

You dodged once more. You immediately tried to flee, knowing that you can't put up a fight with a Zoldyck. You ran as fast as you could, only to be stopped by the silverette. He clawed at you once more, desperate to get the job done and over with already. You dodged, however he was able to leave a thin cut on the side of your neck.

"How are you able to dodge me?! Or even notice me in the first place???!!" Finally, he asked. Though you were able to dodge him, his presence filled you with fear, told you to run for your life.

That's when you noticed the look on his eyes, beyond that bloodthirsty look was exhaustion, mental exhaustion.

You realized he didn't even want to kill in the first place. He was just forced to.

You frowned, "Why would you kill someone even if you don't want to?!" You blurted out, suddenly, your fear was replaced with anger. 

He stood there, shocked, "What did you just say, you brat? What do you know about me huh?" He said in annoyance as he tried to kill you once more.

Dodging, you stood a safe distance from him and pointed at him, "I can see it from the look in your eyes, you don't want to kill me! In fact, you look utterly sick and tired of killing, Zoldyck!!" 

Maybe it would be worth helping someone once in a while

He paused as well, looking at you with wide eyes. How does a company heir like her know so much? 

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