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(Requested by cynyan_viii)

You've been quietly listening to music while reading on your seat for quite a while now as you waited for class to start. 

Little did you know that this entire time, someone was intently watching you, with an amused expression on their face. 

After finishing another chapter of your book, you marked the page and closed it shut with one hand, but as you finally looked up from your book, you saw those familiar, cornflower blue eyes staring intently at you, a small smile tugging at their lips.

You jumped in your seat, utterly surprised by what you saw. "K-Killua?!" you stammered. You heard him chuckle slightly.

You took a closer look at your seatmate and saw that he was sitting facing the back of his chair, straddling it. He was leaning towards you, with his chin propped in the palm of his hand, using the chair as support for his elbow. That amused smile of his never left his face as you observed him.

Regaining your composure, you asked "How long have you been staring at me?"

Not even answering your question, Killua stood up from his seat and strode over to yours, leaning his hand on the side of your chair, trapping you in, "I wouldn't exactly call it staring, (Y/N)," he finally said.

You started to blush due to how close he is, "Well, then what have you been doing then?"

"I guess you could call it..." he paused, as if pondering on what he's gonna say, "Admiring." He leaned closer, his breath tickling your neck

"W-What? Excuse me?" You leaned backwards, your blush deepening to a bright scarlet red. "S-Stop joking around, Killua!" 

He laughed once more, taking a lock of your (H/C) hair with his other hand, caressing it. A small smile gracing his features. However you didn't notice it. He then let go and leaned backwards, putting his hands in his pockets, "Class is about to start (Y/N), let's chat later," He winked, then walked back to his seat, which was right in front of you, and sat down silently, resting his chin on the palm of his hand once more.

You just stared at him in disbelief, until you indeed heard the bell, signalling the start of class.

I can't ever tell whether he's serious or not...


After class, you were in the locker area, stuffing some books inside your bag and all. Closing your locker, you felt 2 strong hands wrap around your waist, before you know it, someone was hugging you from behind, with their chin resting on your shoulder.

You tensed up immediately, almost dropping your bag as you did so. You looked over your shoulder and saw those silvery-white locks, and ghostly-pale skin.

"Yo, (Y/N)."

"Aaah!!" You shrieked, stumbling forward in surprise, however you didn't fall as those strong arms supported you and kept your feet rooted to the ground.

Your ears and face started to turn red, you turned around and faced the person who hugged you. Obviously, it was Killua. 

His hands moved from your waist to your shoulders, an amused smile on his face, "You okay?" he asked ever so casually.

"U-Uhm, y-yeah...." You murmured, loud enough for him to hear. "Um, why the hug though?" You asked him.

He stared at you, eyes bright yet warm as they peered into your soul. Then he smiled once more, though it was just a small smile, "Nothing really, I just felt like it." He took your bag and put it over one shoulder. You notice his own bag was on the other. "I'll walk you home today, let's go," 

Killua X Reader [ONESHOTS]Where stories live. Discover now