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(You and Killua are around 16, and in a relationship here ^^)

"Killua? Hey Killua, you in there?" You said as you knocked on his door once more. This was about the third time you knocked on his door. You were starting to get worried, but knowing Killua, he must be doing just fine, hopefully.

"Dammit Killua, I'm going in," you opened his door aggressively, making the door hit the wall quite loudly. You glared at the silverette laying on the bed, seemingly sleeping. The sheets were all over the place, and his blanket was only covering one of his legs. His head was literally on the edge of his pillow, while one arm and both his legs were spread wide open, claiming all the bedspace. His other arm was behind the pillow, as if trying to keep his head on the pillow, however you suspected that his arm was the reason WHY his head is on the edge of it in the first place.

Such a messy sleeper

"kILLUA!!" You stormed up to him and put your hands on your hips.

No response, only his breathing was heard.

You sighed, "Killua, I know you're awake, you can't fool me." You walked even closer and stared at his sleeping face.

Still no response.

You frowned, putting your arms over your chest, annoyed "Well, if you don't wanna get up, then so be it," You turned your back, but before you could get very far, something, or rather, someone grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled you backwards and towards the bed.

You looked behind you and saw Killua, eyes wide open, lips in a smirk, and one arm around your waist.

"Oh, so NOW you decide to wake up," you said, still very annoyed.

"Good morning, (Y/N)!" He greeted as if nothing was going on. He then kissed your brow, an action which completely thew you off guard and made you forget you were annoyed at him in the first place.

Your eyes widened and you blushed slightly, "Well, good morning Killua." You turned your body to face him completely.

Killua took this opportunity and pulled you even closer to him with the arm around your waist. Your face was practically centimeters away from his, making your light blush turn a deep shade of red. He chuckled slightly while brushing a lock of your (H/C) hair from your face, "Your face is so red," he said as he smiled lovingly at you. 

"W-Well maybe it's because your face is literally an inch away from mine," you stuttered a reply.

The confidence you had before you stormed in his room was completely thrown out the window. Good job!

"Hmm, is that it?" His smile slowly turned into a sly smirk. "Want me to fix that?"

He didn't even wait for your reply as he cupped your cheek with his other hand and closed the remaining gap between you two in a sweet kiss, a type of kiss you didn't expect due to his flirty tone just moments ago.

Your face turned even redder if possible, heart beating abnormally fast. It was so loud you could hear it hammering wildly inside you.

It took you approximately 3 seconds before you fully processed what was going on and kissed him back. You wrapped an arm around him and pulled him even closer.

After a while, you guys pulled back. You saw Killua smiling, truly smiling at you. He pulled you towards him, enveloping you in a hug, with your head against his firm chest.

"Hey (Y/N)," He said ever so softly as he stroked your hair. 


"I'm really thankful I met you, you know," he sounded like he wanted to say more, but his words alone was enough to set your heart aflame. You hugged him back, wrapping an arm around him. 

"Killua... that was... I'm really thankful I met you too. You made my life exponentially better."

You felt Killua tense up as you said those words. "H-Hey, stop exaggerating, there's no way I actually did that", he said. You looked up at him and saw him blushing slightly, eyes averted from you, however he was still stroking your hair lovingly.

You giggled, "Well, it's true though,"

He sighed deeply and didn't say anything. Instead he moved to face the ceiling, pulling you with him so your head is comfortably resting against his chest. You could hear the rapid beating of his heart. It slowed down after a while and he returned to stroking your hair.

You stayed like this for a while, enjoying each other's company. You were about to fall asleep in his arms when you remembered why you went up to his room in the first place.

"OH YEAH!" You suddenly sat upright, an action which confused Killua.


"Killua! Don't tell me you actually forgot! You're finally meeting Gon again after two years TODAY!"

You saw his eyes widen, "Oh yeah, crap!" He jumped off the bed quickly and started to get ready.

You laughed, "Well, I'll be downstairs if you need me," you exited the room and closed his door behind you.

You walked downstairs and saw Alluka in the kitchen, "Hi Onee-san!", she greeted. "It took you a while to wake Onii-chan up, did something happen?"

"W-Well, I got distracted," you briefly explained, hiding the blush emerging on your cheeks.

Alluka didn't seem to notice, "Oh okay! Gon-kun should be arriving pretty soon, I can't wait to see him again!"

You smiled, "Yeah, I bet Killua feels the same," you said, remembering the friendship that the two of them shared. 

(Next chapter will be a requested oneshot :))

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